Chapter Thirty-Two

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 I woke when König shifted on the bed, my body naturally reaching for him as he removed himself from our interlocked limbs. I whined at his absence as my tired eyes opened, seeing him adjusting his clothing. "What's wrong?" I whispered, noticing just how sore I was.

"Need to get ready for the day," he told me, leaning downward to kiss my forehead through his mask. "And...not get caught being here."

I giggled, calling as he left, "See you at weapons training!" The cabin door shut after he slipped his coat on, my body cold without his presence. Oh, the fire had diminished. Glancing over, I saw that he'd added a few more logs before he left. "He's a sweetheart."

I stretched thoroughly before making the attempt to stand, my thighs and womb the sorest parts of me. Tossing a heating bag into the microwave, I cleaned up the counter and waffle maker. Holding the heating pad between my thighs, I prepared a simple breakfast and coffee. The heat helped alleviate my soreness, and after eating, I got dressed in my uniform.

Smoothing everything in place, I worked on braiding my hair. After doing a quick walkthrough to make sure everything was clean, I finished loading my gear into place. Checking myself in the mirror, I confirmed that I was ready, adding a thick face mask and a beanie to protect from the excessive cold.

There were a few options for weapon training at the base: an obstacle course that was used to test in-field responses, a firing range for more short range and long range, and a competition area built out of wooden structures for hiding where airsoft guns were used to hunt your enemies. Or, my favorite and the unit's less preferred method, hunting each other in the forest.

I was the first one to arrive at the firing range, brushing off the snow from the tilted wood and turning on the heater above. I arranged my guns as preferred, clearing off the targets with the press of a button, before working on setting up my rifle. Haugen insisted that I work on my sniping, even though I'd long given up. I just couldn't sit still enough to pay attention to the factors involved in long-range firearms.

Haugen was the first to arrive, setting up her own gear while she muttered irritably to herself. "What's your problem?" I asked, surprised to see her so grumpy. She was a morning person; this wasn't like her.

"I overheard Larsen talking with someone in the office over the phone," she muttered. I stepped away from my weaponry, watching her closely as she huffed and smacked her fists onto the wood in frustration. "They're taking one more from our task force. Further reducing our numbers."

"Fuck. Who are they taking now? And why? If this mission is as hard as they are hinting, why do they keep reducing our numbers?"

Haugen wiped at her face, answering as her voice trembled with anger, "My theory is they're trying to save their favorites. They apparently pulled Hutch and Fender because they were concerned they weren't ready. The two Captains were pulled because they didn't want to lose them."

"Larsen's getting pulled," I interpreted, tears swelling in my eyes. How were we going to do this without her?

"No. She's leading the Hunters; she's not allowed to be pulled," she grumbled. "I'll be the lead sniper; Ghost will be my shadow and help control the high ground. König's going to be the lead on the grounds, with Gaz, Aksel, and Andersen behind him."

My heart sank as bile rose in my throat. "I'm getting pulled," I realized bitterly. "My mother pulled it off. Why the fuck did she even let me get assigned if she was just going to have me fucking pulled?"

I realized that I was shouting, Haugen's eyes darting to the side when she noticed the others making their way to us. While I focused on the breathing technique Larsen taught me, she whispered, "You're being stationed here. The Admiral's deemed that you aren't mentally fit for the mission. I-I don't think she'll let you renew your contract."

"So that's it for me." I fell onto the bench behind me, my pants soaking up the melting snow. "What am I supposed to do if I'm not in the military? How am I supposed to be normal after what I've done?"

"I don't know."

I felt guilty, realizing that I was worrying about myself while she was scared for her life. Taking another deep breath, I placed my hand on her shoulder as I stood, telling her, "In this case, I'm going to train the shit out of you all until you leave. You're going to be the best gunswoman in the world when I'm done with you."

She nodded and returned to preparing her guns, her gaze focused despite the tears in her eyes. "The other's don't know. Larsen got mad at me for listening in. She'll give you the official word after Christmas. I...I didn't tell you a thing."

"Not a word."

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