Chapter 1

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Oh, you won't believe how Rain, an awesome college student, totally won over Payu's parents with his smart attitude, charm, and cuteness! Payu's folks were like, "Yep, Rain's the one for our family!" So, they decided to pop the big question to Rain's cool, above-middle-class family – marriage proposal style!

Let us explore the distinctive qualities of Rain that left such a lasting impression on Payu's parents? Let us Commence our story from Rain's Lifestyle, we will delve into the intricacies of Rain's life and family dynamics, contrasting it with the lifestyle of Payu. Let the narrative unfold. So Lets Start and dive into our story..............................

(Early in the Morning a Phone is Ringing)(Buzz buzz zzzzzzzzzzzz! Rain's phone is going off like an alarm clock)

Rain: Hey there, Villian! Why you gotta disturb my beauty sleep so early, especially on a day off

Sky: Day off? Wake up, sleepyhead! We've got a fest to crash today. Seniors, workshops, and loads of food stalls to raid.

Rain: Oh, so that's why you're blowing up my phone this early in the morning?You're just after those food stalls, aren't you?

Sky: Guilty as charged. So, are you in, or should I start?

Rain: Start what? Should I be scared?

Sky: Nah, nothing scary. Just thinking of calling up your folks, telling them their precious son is getting into a love boy eyes.

Rain: love boy? who?

Sky: Come on, don't play dumb. It's Sam, the senior. The one you pretend not to know.

Rain: Oh, him.He's just an annoying senior. If things get heated, I've got it covered.

Sky: Sure, but they can handle it, better.

Rain: Yeah, right. Like you know how extra they can be.Remember the last time they went ballistic, filing complaints about an alpha to their parents and the principal?They thought he was stalking me and being a psycho just because he invited me to dance.

Sky: Ugh, yeah, I remember, that was a circus.

Rain: Exactly. Best to steer clear of unnecessary drama. I'm not a kid; I can handle my it myself.

Sky: That's the spirit! But if you don't want me to spill the beans, you better get ready, fast.

Rain: Ugh, fine. I'll be there in an hour.

Sky: An hour? What's the deal? why so long?

Rain: Unlike you, normal people need to wake up, brush, bathe, and do their morning rituals.

Sky: Picking you up in half an hour. Get ready or you know i can come in and have a talk with uncle. Bye!

Rain: Sky! Sky! (Phone cuts off)

(Payu house)

Payu: Yes, gonna be there in an hour, cool? Bye!(Cuts Phone call from office)

(payu mom and day come inside to his house)

Payu Mom: Hey sweetie, it's been ages!

Payu Dad: What's up, son? How's the work?

Payu: Hey Mom, hey Dad. What's the rush? I just had dinner with you on last Tuesday. And sweetie? Seriously? I'm 26, not 5.

Payu Mom: Sweetie, you'll always be my sweetie, even when you're 50.And come on, didn't you party on Wednesday, Thursday, yesterday, and have plans with friends today? Don't try to shut me up. (payu rolls eyes)

Payu: Okay, spill it. What's the big deal? What do you want me to do now?

Payu Dad: Oh, can't we drop by and shower our love on our dear son? Why is it like such a shocker?

Payu: Of course, right when I'm in a mad rush to work, everyone decides it's the perfect time to spread the love. Totally not weird at all(Says in a Sarcastic tone). So, spill it, I'm running late here!

Payu Mom: Cut to the chase good. Our friend's kid is getting an award at some fancy ceremony, and there's a party afterward. We need you to show up and socialize.

Payu: Seriously, Dad? I've got this thing called work-life balance.

Payu Mom: Work-life balance? You're working all day, partying all night. That's not life, sweetie. You're like a ghost.

Payu: Mom, I'm not kid. I know how to handle my life.

Payu Dad: Son, this is important.

Payu: It's not a business meeting, and he's not some major shareholder in our Company So, excuse me, I got a meeting to attend. (payu walks off)

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