Chapter 7

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(On the day of the meeting, Rain shows up in casual clothes, and their parents think they look a bit out of place.)

Rain's Mom: Rain, your in-laws will be here soon. Get ready, my dear.

Rain: I am ready, Mom. Need any help?

Rain's Dad: Rain, dear, you're in casuals.

Rain: Yeah, Dad. They said they like me as I am, and I want Venice to like me as I am too.

Rain's Mom: But, dear...

Rain's Dad: That's okay, honey. Let him be. If they're our future family, we must accept them as they are and be as we are.

(Soon, Payu's parents, Payu, and Saifa arrive at Rain's house.)

Rain's Mom and Dad: Hi, Mr. & Mrs. Sermsongwittaya. Hi, Venice. Hi, Saifa.

Rain's Dad: You both are well-built.

Payu: Thanks, Uncle. Well, Payu would be fine rather than Venice.

Rain's Dad: Oh, we heard it was officially Venice, but that's fine. Come, have a seat.

Payu: It's just to avoid attention from work life to personal life. I prefer Venice for work more.

Rain's Dad: Oh, okay. (Seems comfortable with being called by a homely name, Payu, intending to be comfortable, thinks internally.)

Rain's Mom: So, how's life, Payu?

Payu: Good. (Tries to avoid long conversations and be dry with them.)

Rain's Mom: And how's your life, Saifa, and the garages?

Saifa: Good, Aunty, but mostly Payu helps me out in need. Actually, he even monitors it remotely and works in free time.

Rain's Mom: Got so much responsibility at such a young age.

Payu: (Smiles. if you understand it avoid giving the responsibility of marriage, which I am not ready for.)

(Meanwhile, Rain joins them carrying something from the kitchen.)

Rain: Hello, Uncle. Hello, Aunty.

Rain: Hi, P'Venice. Hi, P'Saifa.

Payu: Call me Payu; it will be fine. (Says a bit rudely.)

(Payu's mom glares at him, and he rolls his eyes.)

(Saifa mockingly says Rain has an allergy to chocolates to payu in morning, so Payu gets chocolates for Rain and gives them.)

Payu: Rain, I got something for you. (Hands the chocolates.)

Rain: (Takes them and tries to avoid blushing.)

Payu (thinks internally he's not giving any expression. What is he? Can't he say he doesn't like it?): Have it, Rain. They're very special.

Rain: I know they're my favorite. Thank you very much. (Blushes.) (Rain and Payu's parents see it and feel it's a cute interaction, while Payu gets shocked.)

Payu (glares at Saifa): What the heck, Saifa? (Murmurs to Saifa.)

Saifa: Tit for tat for not picking me up this morning. (Laughs mockingly.)

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