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Days pass, and Payu and Rain have more time now. Payu is busy with work; the maid comes twice a week, and both of their workloads have reduced. It's morning, and Rain is preparing breakfast for Payu. Today, Payu has an important meeting with clients for two days and is busy, but he promised to drop Rain at uni on his way. Rain gets ready and prepares breakfast.

Payu: Good morning, Rain. Are you ready? If yes, we will leave a bit early today.

Rain: Yes, P'Payu, I am ready. I also made toast with sausages and some sandwiches. Have some. Are you okay with orange juice, or do you need me to make coffee?

Payu: It's fine, Rain. I will make myself a green tea.

Rain: It's okay, P'Payu. I will get it. Have your breakfast.

(Rain gets Payu tea. Both begin to have breakfast. Meanwhile, Payu gets a phone call and talks. After ending the call)

Payu: Rain, if you're finished eating, let's leave.

Rain: I have finished, but you didn't even touch sandwiches or toast. You only had some sausages  and Tea. Why don't you have some more food, P'Payu?

Payu: I am fine Rain not that hungry anyhow, it's getting late for me. Get Ready and  Come fast. I will clean the plates.

Rain: It's okay, Payu. I am ready. You can go to your office and grab anything if necessary. I will clean the plates. Leave them on the counter.

(Payu leaves his plate on the kitchen counter and goes to his office in a hurry and take all necessary things and goes to Car and calls Rain to get inside the Car)

(When Payu is about to enter the car, Rain grabs the keys and enters the driver's seat)

Rain: Get in, P'Payu. I will drive.

Payu: Rain, this is not the time. I have to...(Rains cuts Payu words and says)

Rain: Get early to the office and check everything is perfect. I know, Mr. Cool. Be calm. I know driving, and I am good at it. You can check the last-minute details if necessary from the car. So, let me drive.

Payu: Okay.(As Payu was in hurry he agrees)

(After Payu enters, Rain starts to drive and suddenly pulls Payu's iPad from his hand)

Payu: What the, Rain...

Rain: (Hands him a box) Here, have breakfast, and then work. We still have 20 minutes more on the journey to my college. Eat fast.

Payu: Rain, I am fine. I don't...(Rain again cuts Payu's words and tells)

Rain: You don't feel hungry. I know. What is this, Mr. Cool? All these days, no matter what, I have only noticed you being cool and calm in all situations. This attitude of yours is weird. Your cool demeanor makes you special. Anxiety doesn't suit you.

Payu: Yes, but this is...

Rain: Maybe this might be an important call for your company, but yours is already a big company. With or without this, you will be on top. I feel you work too much to leave out any potential faults in work. If not this, you may find a better deal. Now, don't assault your stomach. We will reach my college in 15 minutes. Eat fast.

(Payu grabs the box and eats his food quickly. They reach Rain's uni, he bids Rain goodbye, and goes to his office)

Rain: All the best, P'Payu. I wish you all the luck.

Payu: Thank you, Rain. Bye.

(Payu's presentation goes well with his cool attitude. Some are offended, but the main shareholders of the client company are impressed. The deal is done after a few days. They meet again at Praphai's bar, but there's commotion taking place)

*****************************So guys many of you may have a feeling that Payu's parent's have forced him for marriage and it is wrong I also accept it is wrong but there is a strong reason for them to force Payu to marry Rain(apart from all those incidents with Rain) can you guess what is the real reason for Payu parents to force him marry Rain. Comment and let me know I will see can any of my Reader guess it correctly***************************************************

*****************I will write about real reason behind forcing Payu to marry in some chapter not so soon but until then keep guessing I will reply to you all as soon as possible****************

**********Anyhow I hope you like this chapter don't forget to comment on this chapter and progress in their relationship and I hope you also liked PaiSky in last chapter I just thought it is incomplete without them but don't worry my main couple are PayuRain and my second lead are PaiSky************

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