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The incident happened at Praphai's bar made Praphai and Payu's friends get impressed by Rain and Sky a lot now apart from Payu and Rain there was an other story cooking after bar scene Praphai couldn't stop thinking about sky he was head over heels for sky from that moment. There were many on and off flirting situations and many flings and partners in his life but no one has impacted his life like sky not only the bar incident but in many situations he found the Omega to be smart cute a bit strict and bounded like Rain but still having his own charm and aura unique from others. The way he talk with a bit of sassy touch, when angry ,the way he smiles, the way he pouts and all sweet to support his friend like a mother hen he has seen Sky from all the ways. One day Praphai was on his way to work apart from owing bars his family also owns a bunch of top rated hotels so on his way he sees Sky with a handsome man holding Sky's ear and he gets alarmed and goes to Sky)

Praphai: Hey, mister! How dare you lay a hand on my nong? Leave him alone!

(Sky is shocked to see Praphai.)

Pob: So, nong, huh? Who are you to stop me, mister...?

Praphai: You can call me Praphai. Actually, Mr. Praphai, I hope you know the name of our famous family, "Sengngai."

Pob: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Mr. Hero! Calm down. I know about your family, but why is it required to know it now?

Praphai: (Snatches Sky's hand and shields him behind) How dare you mess with my nong? Let me show you...

(Sky, witnessing the interaction, is embarrassed by Praphai's behavior.)

Pob: Do you know who I am to your nong?

Praphai: Whoever you may be, you can't hurt him you can't bully him. Don't worry, Sky, I will save you!

Pob: Is he mad? Why does he get so overexcited?(Asking Sky)

Praphai: Hey, how can you...

Sky: He's a bit overenthusiastic.

Praphai: Hey, Sky, I am saving you here!

Sky: P'Pai, he's my cousin P'Pob, and P'Pob, he's a close friend of Rain's husband, P'Phayu.

Pob: Oh, nice to meet you, Mr. "Sengngai," or should I call you Sir Praphai?

Praphai: Err, nice to meet you, P'Pob. I actually...( embarrassed )

Pob: Misunderstood me for a rogue who...

Praphai: I am sorry, actually...

Pob: Don't worry. The person here is no devil(Pointing to Sky); he won't let anyone hurt him that easily.

Praphai: I know, it's like a ferocious cat fight. I've seen it in the bar, but still, I was worried that...(Recall Bar incident)

Pob: Bar and fights sound interesting, and someone might have forgotten to tell me something... (looking at Sky, inquiring)

Sky: It's nothing, just a small group fight.

Pob: Oh, really? Okay, then let's tell it to Uncle(Pointing to Sky's dad), and maybe he will...

Sky: No! (Sky shouts and glares at Praphai.)

Pob: Okay, so tell me now! (With a fierce voice)

Sky: Actually, some rogue disturbed our friends, P'Pai and P'Payu, and also their friends at a bar, so we lent a hand to fight them, that's all...

Pob: Did you file a complaint...?

Sky: Yes, we did.

Praphai: Yes, we gave a complaint immediately.

(Actually as it is the issue related to Race of P'Pakin they did not give complain but Sky tells they gave complaint to avoid drama from Pob and Praphai also understands and tells the same)

Pob: Okay, then.

Praphai: So sorry, but seeing you holding his ear, I was...

Pob: It's understandable to get worried, but the mister here (pointing to Sky) hasn't gone for a health check-up in two months, and the doctor was calling me.

Sky: P'Pob, it's just a normal check-up, and I'm fine. Why waste money?

Pob: These words of yours make me angry. Money can be earned, but health cannot be bought. Sky, remember, I can pay for your expenses, and there's no shame in taking it. I'm your Phi; what's wrong?

Praphai: What happened?

Pob: He had a vitamin deficiency and fainted. Rain and I were very worried.

Sky: Phi, it was two years ago.

Pob: I don't care. I just want you to meet your dietitian regularly. If not possible, leave the condo and stay with me.

Sky: Phi...

Pob: Nothing doing. Just go now.

Praphai: Yes, you must not neglect health. Go now; take care. Who's the doctor you're seeing?

Pob: Dr. Ben at xxxxxxxxxx hospital.

Praphai: Oh, okay. I'll get you an appointment soon.

Praphai calls and arranges for an appointment for Sky

Praphai: Okay, then. Bye, gotta go. I'm getting late.

Pob: Bye, Mr. Sengngai.

Praphai: Sorry for that.

Pob: It's okay; I was just kidding.

(After Praphai leaves)

Pob: Is he just a friend of Rain's husband, or is there something more?

Sky: Phi, stop...

Pob: No, generally, no one offers VIP treatment and utmost care to just a known nong. I was just...(Teasing)

Sky: He's just good at heart that way...

Pob: Okay, if you say so. Now let's just go...

Sky: But Phi, I have classes then...

Pob: No more arguments, or I will call Rain, and we'll drag you there.

(## So my dear Readers apart from PayuRain now lets see the journey of Sky and Praphai may be you were getting one sided by Only PayuRain so thought would also involve Sky and Praphai So how was this Part comment and let me Know##)

(## Some of my readers asked for a mash of VegasPeat but I couldn't but I thought about a mashup of LeoFiat and LeonPob in this in future their interactions will be fun so Hope you enjoy them##)

(##And what about my question no reply dont you guys wanna guess whats the main reason for Phayu parents for payu to get marriend guess na comment down I am waiting for your responses##)

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