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Back to a new day, Rain was sitting at the table in the common living space, working and muttering complaints about Payu. He was also sulking a lot. Last night, Payu's parents left almost at midnight, and after cleaning up the mess they made, both of them were very tired and went to sleep immediately.

The morning was pleasant, with the sweet smell of freshly blossomed flowers in the garden and chirping birds. In between, a harsh sound of the alarm woke Rain up. Rain did his usual routine, making toast for both Payu and himself, preparing coffee and milk, and setting up his baking goods.

Payu entered the kitchen and asked about Rain's assignment, despite knowing they were interrupted last night by his parents' arrival, due to which Rain was not able to do his assignment. Payu insisted that Rain had to finish the assignment before baking, even going so far as to check Rain's work. Payu, being a successful businessman and an all-rounder, could tell when someone was lying. Rain thought about lying but was caught by Payu, who strictly instructed him to finish the assignment first then bake.

Rain, a good boy despite his playful side, was dedicated to studies. However, the problem was it was the weekend, and Rain had planned the day completely. He needed to finish baking quickly to take the desserts to Sky's house, where they would pack them with other friends' contributions for the trip. After the packing session, they planned to go to a new restaurant serving Korean food, which Rain was excited about. Rain loved Korean food way too much. However, the issue was that Rain could barely cook Korean food. But when he knew about the new restaurant review, he couldn't resist and asked Sky to go with him, and as the famous foodie he is, Sky immediately agreed.

After lunch, they also planned to go to a movie, do a bit of shopping, and then return home. Rain, Sky, and their friends were all busy with university work lately, and this long weekend break without any workload was their chance to use it efficiently. However, Payu was being stubborn and demanding, not letting Rain do his work. If baking was delayed, other plans might get spoiled, but Payu was not ready to listen, and Rain was throwing tantrums.

After a lot of struggle, Rain finished his assignment, arranged things for the next day, and then entered the kitchen to bake. He was angry at Payu, as it was too late to start. Rain was sure he might miss one of the plans for the movie, shopping, or restaurant as it was very late. He continued sulking at Payu while setting up ingredients in bowls. However, Payu insisted on helping Rain, and eventually, they shared a loving moment.

Rain: sighs heavily I can't believe it's already this late. I was supposed to start baking hours ago.

Payu: Don't just sulk, Rain. Your assignment needed to be finished, Rain. Besides, it was your assignment; I don't need any rewards to force you. I just didn't want you to cry like the last time. You know how important your assignments are; postponing is not that good. Anyway, if you think you are late and need help, I will help you. Just tell me anything, I will try to do it.

Rain: shoots a skeptical glance You? Helping with baking? I don't think so, P'Payu. Are you kidding? I just got late because of you. Now, you don't need to play saviour. Besides that, you'll just make a mess of things.

Payu: now I can't go back and undo. Let me help. Hey, why don't I help you with the baking? It might speed things up. We can finish early. I am a fast learner, you know. Come on, Rain. I may not be an expert, but I can follow instructions. Besides, it'll be fun!

Rain: Yeah, yeah... grumbles, hesitates Well, alright. But don't say I didn't warn you. I just hope I am not too late and my plans go as planned.

They start setting up ingredients in bowls. Rain is still a bit grumpy, but Payu is determined to help.

Rain: go wash your hands

Payu: I just washed my hands

Rain: don't argue. If you want to help, follow my instructions. Change into some normal clothes, wash your hands, tie this apron (hands an apron), and before that, tie your long curls tightly. I don't want a messy helper.

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