The Missing Day

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The day payu didnot meet rain for the whole day well to remaind you all my dear readers here is the treasure hunt he was attentding

"When Payu still had the touchpad of Rain, he unexpectedly opened a note named 'The Christmas Gift', in which his boy mentioned fighting with a couple. Well, Rain wanted to gift Payu a jacket from a local store, but it was out of budget. Thank goodness Santa was by his side! The store needed helpers due to the season, with huge sales and customers. It would cover up and pretty much pay more than the amount of the jacket. So, he joined the store; it even had suitable timings for his university. They had only half classes in the morning session. Rain could still attend and made friends with the owner. He expressed his wish to buy the jacket and deduct the cost from his salary. The owner accepted. It was the newest designed jacket, so the owner understood the teenager was somewhat fashion-minded and thought it cute. Little did he know it was for his loved one. But there started the problem. Rain put the last piece in a locked room to take it only after paying, but a coworker put it on a mannequin, and a couple liked it. When Rain got his salary, he happily went to get the jacket but didn't find it. Then his coworker said it was on the mannequin. Rain immediately rushed, and thank goodness again, the jacket was there. But just as he was going to take it, a middle-aged woman grabbed it for her son. She was also stubborn to take it for her son. Rain even told her it was for someone special and told her there was another piece of a lower size, but the woman was so adamant, even her husband couldn't persuade her. It was almost as if they were fighting. The store owner also couldn't help, knowing Rain just joined there for the jacket. Then Sky showed up and somehow managed the couple and talked them out. Rain even mentioned he didn't know what magic Sky played on them, but the couple happily accepted to it. The hostile, angry woman even apologized and said she would get Rain anything for her anger, which surprised Rain so much. Well, that was Sky's magic. He was good at doing deals. Anyhow, that was a long day and a heavy workload, all to see Payu in that jacket. How cutely Rain mentioned that he sent the jacket to Payu to wear, but little did he see him wearing any. Well that was the note from last Christmas but then Something stroke in Payu's brain from the touchpad Payu searched all holiday dates, Payu saw all the holiday-related days and found a note on the gifts Rain sent him every holiday. But the only thing was that Payu didn't receive even one of them. Even if he had a hint, he might have met his boy sooner. He cursed himself for ignoring it so long. 

So after nearly 7 months of completion of Christmas and much more time after all those holidays, Payu went to the garage and asked if he got any gifts last Christmas and all the holidays before that now if the workers didn't have any idea about them then how would it be their fault after all it happened days ago. The workers there were shocked and confused about Payu's demand. Payu always neglected all his gifts from his School to college mates or can also be called as his fans, which he had since his teenage years, but in uni and afterward, he got even more, so he just ignored them. But thank goodness again, Rain had even attached photos of the gifts so he didn't care after all his close friends and family would send it to his house but how would his little Rain know his address anyhow, now he searched and asked everyone. He found the jacket worn by Saifah when he was just getting ready in the room in his garage to go on a date. He forcefully pulled it off Saifah, who was just confused about what was happening. He was cursing Payu for ruining his looks, but then he searched and grabbed a pen, which his love sent, and whose ink was almost completed. At first the workers thought they had important documents or any valuable things but little did they know what Payu meant after all how can anyone know how valuable those little things are for him. The most weird thing was when he even got angry at P'Aon for using that pen, but how could P'Aon know that a pen sent three years ago, which he found unexpectedly, which only cost 50 bucks, would cost him his week's salary. Anyway, Payu weirdly ordered everyone. He showed all the workers the photos and almost retrieved all the little keychains of Rain and Strom, a pen, a jacket, a belt, and a few other things, among which was a hair tie for his long hair. Well, he missed out on a few, among which were cookies, chocolate, and a meal box Rain gifted him on special days. Now, how can someone return eaten ones anyway? Even if they hadn't eaten, they would be spoiled, right? But Payu told it was his. He might have stored it. All workers were in chaos, and Saifah was fuming, but for Payu, he didn't pay any attention. Little did Prapai also join and see it, smirking and smiling at his lovesick friend. When Saifah first told about the jacket incident, then about all the gifts, Prapai was a bit confused, but he was even a smart ass. He knew when he saw the touchpad in Payu's hand; it was from Rain. But all others were horrified and thought their master had gotten a bad obsession. Prapai was smiling like a fool, but then Payu just came like a madman and faced him fiercely. He almost tripped due to it, but then Payu put the touchpad on his face and asked for his goggles back, which he saw Prapai was wearing. At first Prapai denied it but then payu show their common photos and asked him in a heavy tone. When asked with a angry tone, Prapai accepted and grumpily returned them. How lovesick was his friend after all?????

Well isn't it weird rich CEO angry and fighting for googles and little thing but may be that's love. 

Well, love makes weird things happen, doesn't it? 🤔🎁🌈"

Anyway that was it wanted to write long but that's it for now. Well I hope I would only update after a week so until then bye my dear readers " 😊💗 ".................. .................. .........................................

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