The Date(This happened before marriage First date of PayuRain)

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(On the day of the date, Payu is five minutes late due to an important meeting. After the meeting, he rushes to meet Rain, who's waiting.)

Rain: Hey, P'Payu.

Payu: Hi, Rain. I am so sorry I was stuck in a meeting.

Rain: It's ok P'Payu

Waiter: Ready to order, sir?

Rain: Oh, we just got here.

Payu: Rain, it's cool. Let's talk after ordering. I'm already late; consider it an apology.

Rain: Stop it, you're only five minutes late.

(They order food and get calls from friends. After talking, Payu returns, and the food is served.)

Payu: Rain, you should've started.

Rain: I was waiting for you.

(Payu softens after Rain's words. They start dig in to eat the food and also start a conversation, in between Rain struggles to eat a particular dish then...........)

Payu: Rain, hold the fork like this.

(Rain tries but struggles.)

Payu (annoyed, then deciding to take matters into his own hands): Alright, Rain, gimme that I'll feed you. Say "ahh," Rainy boy.

(Rain feels a bit awkward but secretly pleased.)

Payu: Chill, baby, it's cool. You don't need to know everything; we can learn slowly so don't feel low about not knowing how to eat. We're on a learning curve here, so no need to stress about not being a pro eater or anything that comes in the future that makes you doubt yourself. Today's since I am here let me feed you, "baby," so open wide and let me handle the feeding duties.

(Rain is taken aback by the "baby" term but can't help but smile at Payu's goofy encouragement. Then Payu feeds Rain)

(After some time, Rain tells Payu he can eat the rest by himself, and Payu should finish his food.)

Payu: It's okay, Rain. You if you want can eat the rest by yourself. If you feel bad as I am not eating, you can also feed me.

(Rain gets shy and starts blushing.)

Rain: So, P'Payu, do you like me? Like, are you happy about this.......?

(Rain continues, but Payu intervenes in between)

Payu: I don't know, Rainy. Things take time, but trust me, I will try and change for you.

Rain: Not "I" but "We" will try, P'Payu. But no need to change for me; I like you just the way you are – perfect for me. The rest, we'll figure out with a little help from our family; we'll navigate everything together.

(They finish their meal and head to the parking lot.)

Rain: Bye, P'Payu.

Payu: I can drop you home.

Rain: My friend's coming, so I can manage. Bye, P'Payu.

(After Payu leaves, Rain stands in parking lot and suddenly yells........ Rain calls his parents.)

Rain: Come out, Mom and Dad.(Shouting)

Rain: Aunty, Uncle, come out.(Shouting)

(Rain and Payu's parents hesitate.)

Rain: Seriously? This isn't hide and seek. You can come out. Please.

(Both sets of parents awkwardly come out.)

Rain: You guys are over the top. I asked for one date, and you all show up. Unbelievable. (He thinks of shouting on them but before that)

Payu's mom: How did you find out that we are here, Rain?

Rain: So, you know, I was just having this chat with P'Payu, right? And out of nowhere, I start feeling this strange vibe, like someone's keeping an eye on me. So, being all detective mode, I decide to track Mom and Dad's locations since we're synced up or whatever. And guess what? They're just in the same location! 🕵️‍♂️ While cafe workers were carrying on some slab, I caught a glimpse of someone who looked a lot like Uncle in the reflection of that glass thing, but I couldn't quite see the face. Thought it was just my imagination playing tricks. But then, in the parking lot, I spot a Blue Mercedes with the same license plate. It's the exact car that dropped you off at Chris's place and swung by ours yesterday. So, I connect the dots, and boom, confirmed you're here. It's not just some crazy coincidence that you show up when we're on a date and when you even know the details of place I am having a date. If you're following us, Auntie, you're like the real spy here—no offense, but you're a bit nosy, just like Mom. So, I thought, maybe you're in on it too!

Rain: But That's not the point why are you all here it is supposed to be only me and P'Payu(He asks a bit angered)

Rain mom: Does he also know we are here

Rain: I think no he was in a happy mood while he left, if he found that you were here he might also be a bit lost, he might not have left without confronting like me so I asked him to leave first as I don't want him to spoil his mood.

Payu's mom: So, anyhow, baby HuH?

Rain: Well, he intended it like he likes me too, so well..........(He blushes suddenly and gets diverted from angry mood)

Payu's dad: So, you don't like him? Only he likes you.

Rain's mom and dad: Let's drop the idea.(Teasing)

Rain: No, no, I like him, a lot he is so perfect...Handsome, good natured I also like him! (Rain shouts blabbering)

(All parents laugh, they tease him a bit and Rain gets embarrassed. They eventually were happy about the interaction they saw between Payu and Rain and also as both of them seemed to like each other they discuss the about further plans and wedding.)

(Here, on the other side Rains Parents were impressed by Payu's words and the way he was treating Rain he was a bit strict and annoyed but was all sweet for Rain they think What Payu's mother said about him may be right he might be a bit strict but Rain is his home and better half of Payu's life and he will Change for Rain and will be a better future for Rain)

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