Chapter 10

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(In the morning, it's the weekend, and Rain has a day off but right now Rain is dealing with the aftermath of a wild party from the night before and the crying scene. His eyes are puffy, and the maid and cook notice.)

Maid: Morning, what happened to your eyes, sir?

Rain: Oh, I've got a killer headache from last night's party. Had one too many drinks, you know how it goes. (He tries to avoid conversation he had and crying matter)

(Cook prepares breakfast, and Payu comes down for breakfast.)

Payu: Hey Meen, what's cooking today?

Meen (Cook): Toast, sandwiches, and your favorite tropical coffee Sir!

Payu: Cool!

(Rain decides to ask Payu to go out for the day, thinking maybe Payu is just jealous yesterday to act like that and decides to leave the issue and ask to go out but Payu declines due to work commitments.)

Rain: Morning, P'Payu! How about we go out today? I need to grab some stuff for the house and my model.

Payu: Sorry, Rain, got work. Your card has enough, go with Meena or take Lily with you.

Rain: But I can wait P'Payu maybe later in the day? We can also grab lunch?

Payu: Rain, got a big project running, no time now. Maybe some other time. Gotta go.

(Later, Rain plans to cook something special for Payu, seeking Meena's help.)

Rain: P'Meen, can you teach me something simple to cook for P'Payu?

Meen: Of course, dear.

Rain: Also, tell me what Payu likes and dislikes.

Meen: Sure, Rain. (She starts addressing Rain informally as rain asked to only call him by name.)

(Later, accidentally reveals a messy baking incident is discovered Lily.)

Lily (Maid): So, Rain, master whipped up something in the kitchen yesterday. There's dough all over the place—floor and oven had a wild party.

Rain: Oops, I am so sorry. I was in a rush to hit the party scene, totally forgot to tidy up.

Lily: No worries, Rain. I was just curious. So spill, what's the special dish?

Meen: What did you cook, Rain? Did Payu give it a thumbs up?

Rain (opens containers of cookies and cupcakes, handing them to Meen and Lily): Dive into these, guys.

Meen and Lily (eating): Whoa, these are amazing! You might have flattened  Sir Payu with your culinary skills.

Rain: (Smiles a bit sadly)

Lily: What's up, Rain? Did Sir not dig the treats?

Rain: P'Payu isn't a fan of chocolate, and I went all out with choco chip cookies and choco chip cupcakes. So, he missed out. That's why I need the know from you, P'Meena, on what he likes and dislikes.

Meen: Oh, no problem, dear. I will spill all the details I know.

Lily: And I'll lend a hand in cleaning up this mess.

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