Drinking is harmful

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As planned, the next morning went by in a hurry for Payu and Rain. The day was also very long; both of them had a very tough day. Rain needed to help Sky throughout the day, and Payu needed to attend an important meeting. But at the end of the day, both were ready to meet each other. As arranged, Rain called Payu, and Payu came to pick up Rain. In the meantime, Rain also received a series of questions from his friends and classmates inquiring about the person who was frequently picking him up. They suspected that Rain had a boyfriend, and perhaps he was too naive or dumb to give Rain so much attention. Little did they know, it was Venice the Great. Whenever Payu/Venice dropped Rain off, he made sure to wear a mask or only have a send-off from his car, so no one noticed Payu. As Rain had already made clear, he did not want anyone else besides his friends to know about their relationship or marriage. Almost when his close friends were catching their breath after learning he married Venice, the others might surely have heart attacks.

Well, days passed by, and Wednesday arrived. Payu and Rain went to Payu's friend Kim's party. Payu also asked Rain to invite his friends, so Rain obviously invited Sky, and as add-ons, Ple, Sig, and Por also joined. The party went very well, and at the end, only close friends were left. However, there was a problem: a commotion broke out, led by a guy who was breaking beer bottles and aiming them at people, ready to hurt them. Here, Rain's and Payu's friends were worried. Payu also went out to see off some guests during this commotion. The main concern here was about Rain. Yes, Rain, the petite, cute-looking guy—don't worry, he was not harmed. In fact, he was the one trying to harm others, while Sky just sat by and enjoyed the view. Well, it might seem a bit weird, but yes, these two omegas are very intimidating sometimes

Saifah(to Pai):what happened now Pai why is my omega brother-in-law this fierce.

Pai: I just don't know he was just good a few minutes ago and now he is just anyway we must stop him before he hurts him or others

(Here, Rain was drunk. Yes, you read it right. Rain was fully drunk. Someone actually messed with Rain's drink, and Rain started to show his harmful side. Yes, when Rain and Sky said 'drink is harmful for health,' they meant that when Rain got drunk, it was not good for other people's health beside him. The Omega's current state proves it. And here, on the contrary, to stop Rain from hurting others, Sky was sitting amusedly, watching his friend, smiling inncocently as if Rain was dancing and singing melodies but others who were present were worried by Rain's act)

Pai: Rain, what the hell are you doing? Put that bottle down!

Rain: slurring I'll show them! They can't mess with me!

Saifah: Rain, buddy, calm down. You're not thinking straight.

Sky: laughs This is hilarious! Look at him go!

Pai: Sky, this is serious! Rain, listen to us. You're not yourself right now.

Rain: I'll teach them a lesson! Nobody messes with us!

Por: Rain, come on, man. You're better than this. Think about what you're doing.

Sig: Yeah, Rain, put the bottle down before someone gets hurt!

Rain: angrily You're not my boss! I'll do what I want!

Kim: rushing back What's going on here?!

Saifah: Rain's lost it. He's drunk and causing a scene.

Sky: If you talk bad about my friend I will start breaking my beer bottle on you heads........(sky gave warning to those who talked bad about rain and all gulped)

Pai: If you care about your friend, stop this nonsense right now!

Sig: Rain have you lost it get down(Sig demands)

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