Chapter 2

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(rain home)

Rain: Hey, mom hey, dad! Morning vibes!

Rain's Mom: Well, well, well! Look who decided to rise and shine! It's Rainy, our early bird.

Rain's Dad: Up so early on a weekend, huh? It's only 9, not like you're breaking any records.

Rain: Dad, seriously?

Rain's Mom: So, Rainy, any secret plans or a proposal at the crack of dawn? Need help with the prep?

Rain: Mom, Dad, come on!

Rain's Mom: ok ok sorry no more teasing so, spill the beans. Where's the rush?

Rain: Remember I told you last week about the fest today?

Rain's Mom: This early for a fest?

Rain: Yup! A foodie's taking me on a feast quest through all the stalls.

Rain's Mom: Just don't eat too much junk. Here, take the card if you need it, but don't go on a spending spree.

Rain's Dad: Ready for a ride, or should I be your chauffeur?

Rain: Sky's picking me up.

Rain's Dad: Alright, have a blast! Ignore your mom. I slipped some cash into your wallet. Enjoy!

(Car horn honks)(Phone rings)

Sky: Rain, come up fast!

Rain's Mom: Morning, Sky! Join us for breakfast (As Rain is packing his Mom picks up the call)

Sky: Good Morning aunty. Thanks, Auntie, but I already grabbed a bite. Rain and I have a fest workshop to hit.

Rain's Mom: Got it. He will be out in a sec.

Sky: Thank you aunty. Say hi to Uncle for me.

Rain's Mom: Sure thing, dear. Take care, have a blast!

(Rain snatches the phone kisses his mom dad and says bye)

Sky: Thanks...

Rain: You should be thanking me for dragging myself out of bed so early.

Sky: That was for your mom.

(Rain opens the car door)

Rain: I know. How can a sassy queen be sweet enough to say thanks?

Sky: See who's saying

Rain: Anyhow rush up what's the point in getting ready so early if we are late

Sky: says the person who is late

Rain: Sky come on

Sky: ok ok lets go fire it up

(Rain, Sky and their friends explore a lot of food stalls and also participate in a lot of workshops later at the evening in the cultural Sky has a speech to present and Rain and his friend also attend the event to cheer him)

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