Stubborn Friends(RainSky)

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(Almost closing time, there are only a few staff, Praphai's close friends, and some of Rain's friends, along with Payu in the bar. Rain and Sky avoid any alcoholics. Rain says it's not good for health, and Sky says he's bored and not in the mood for drinks, preferring delicious food. Sky forgets his phone in the car, so Rain and Sky go to get it. Meanwhile, an angry man gets a set of goons and attacks Pai, Payu, and his friends. There's a huge fight, and they all shout for Rain's friend to move out for safety. The main reason for the fight was the race; Payu and Pai had a race yesterday, and Pai won against a guy named Stop. Stop accused Pai of cheating, and said to Payu their bikes were scrappy and even humiliated Payu. Payu was calm all along but when Stop spit on his bikes he lost it. A fight was about to break out, but Payu remained calm. In the meantime, Kuhn'Chai enters and makes Stop apologize to Pai and Payu in front of all. He reluctantly apologizes but comes back for revenge with men to tackle Payu and Pai)

Pai: That bastard didn't have guts yesterday, and now he proves he also doesn't have any shame.

Payu: He will pay for this.

(Meanwhile, as Rain's friends were heading out, Rain and Sky come in. Payu and Pai see them coming and yell at them to go back, as this might hurt them in the fight. Both Rain and Sky are stubborn and go inside)

Payu: Rain, stop. Go back. Get in the car and go home or to Saifah. I will come after dealing with these bastards.

Pai: Yes, leave, both Sky and Rain.

(They notice Sky and Rain rushing to them, not listening. They yell to go back, but none listen, as some goons were about to attack. Sky pulls them, sprays their signature scented pepper spray in their eyes, and kicks the one who snatched his shoulder. Pai notices it, gets shocked, while Rain also sprays pepper at some goons and goes to Payu to help)

Payu: Rain, I asked you to leave.

Rain: I said I am helping you.

Payu: It is dangerous. You may get hurt. Just leave.

Rain: (spraying pepper and Punching) And I said I will not...

(Both Rain and Payu quarrel in between the fight, and both Rain and Payu's friends get amused by the couple's fight)

Payu: Stubborn brat.

Rain: I am not stubborn. (Pushing a goon from the staircase)

Payu: Why can't you leave like your other friends?(Punching a goon)

Rain: Rain don't do this, Rain don't do that. I am not a kid; do you understand? I am not weak. Don't treat me like a weak person.

Payu: I did not say you are weak, but this kind of stuff is dangerous. They are real goons.

Rain: Oh really? I just thought these are dummies, and you are playing with these rods, beating and punching them.

Payu: Rain, this is not funny...

(They continue to quarrel with each other and fight the goons)

(In the meantime, a Rogue enters the bar, and an alpha with a gun and another with a rod are about to approach them. They make Payu and Pai and all the other people terrified)

Rogue Alpha: Just do as we say, or you will see blood.

Rogue 2: You can't beat us out. Do damn as we say. We are more in number than you.

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