All Kind of Feelings Answered (Payu/Rain) Part-1

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Payu was trying to impress Rain in ways he knew were charming, but that was the problem: Rain didn't need Payu to charm him. Rain loved Payu for who he was, even before they were married. Payu mesmerized Rain, and every aspect of Rain's life was influenced by Payu. At first, Rain thought he merely admired Payu, but soon realized he felt something deeper. He hadn't felt this way for anyone else, not even his longtime crush. Despite the physical distance, Payu somehow affected Rain deeply.

Rain loved Payu in every possible way, but his cold demeanor sometimes hurt Rain. Instead of providing reassurance, Payu often tried to charm Rain, which initially felt good but now became annoying. Rain just wanted Payu to claim him in the way he desired. Despite their differences and Payu's occasional foolish behavior, Rain accepted it as typical couple dynamics. However, Rain longed for Payu to surrender, plead, and claim him as his own.

When Payu lost touch with Rain's emotions, symbolized by Rain's journal entries about Payu's behavior, he seemed to forget how charming he could be. Payu tried to charm Rain, but perhaps forgot he wasn't wooing someone for the first time; he was married and needed to make amends with his wife. Payu often tried to make more time for his Rain, but the presence of someone around Rain irritated Payu to the core. Enter Samuel, also known as Sam, a senior of Rain's, who was always around, Rain .He was the very guy who proposed rain and got rejected how shameless is he to follow Rain again his presence irritated Payu a lot. Now that he couldn't even forcefully announce himself as Rain's husband and hurt Rain after all it must get Rain's approval he is not an object to claim but Payu's love to cherish he knew these things are sensitive so he kept quiet. But Payu was also a human and like any other person was losing his patience,(to see someone woo his wife) especially when Sam asked Rain for the annual dance date. Thankfully, Sam sent a letter instead of showing up in person, or Payu might have lost his temper. Despite this, Payu remained in his own bubble with utmost patience he controlled his aggressive emotions. Anyhow, between all these other things were pretty normal.

Nevertheless, it was another casual day. Rain left to return to college as his senior year was finishing, burdened with many assignments and a project to submit. He asked Sam for help, and Rain was supposed to reply to Sam's request for a dance. Today, Payu couldn't help but follow Rain to see his reaction, and Sky needed to intervene. After all, Sky and Payu had a secret to cover, and Sky couldn't take any risks. Anyway, Sky invited Pai for lunch that day, though of course, Payu followed, accompanied by Pai. No one dared to ask Sky why, as Sky had already mentioned it was a treat back because Pai and Payu had helped them with a lecture and a presentation. Oh, was there something missing? Oh well, yes, Rain and Sky had to present their summer work to their teachers, and Sam again volunteered to help. Payu had to intervene, and as Pai was with him, he also couldn't watch Sky with that cunning Sam, who even after Rain's rejection, shamelessly followed him without reason. So, that's how Sky got a reason for invite.

Back to the Lunch.......................

Payu and Pai joined, for Lunch but Rain didn't spare Payu a glance. Payu was tense; never in his almost 27 years of life had he felt so desperate, Payu, the great was tense and desperate, but as usual he concealed his emotions behind an unreadable expression, except to his close friend, Pai, and his beloved wife Rain, who understood him better than he realized.

 Anyway, the lunch went with sweet looks exchanged between the obvious couple, and by the time it ended, Sam appeared on the screen. Rain and Sky had some final doubts in design structuring, in which Sam was good, and Payu and Pai couldn't win here, after all, they had done business majors, so they were of no help. Despite Payu's efforts and insistence, it was a fact that he couldn't help Rain with his core subjects. Though Payu insisted Rain get a tutor of expertise for help, Rain rejected the idea, as his senior, the so-called Samuel, expertise in design and structure overshadowed them. Anyhow, Pai insisted on giving company, but Rain blatantly rejected the idea, citing distraction, and Sky couldn't help here.  Payu reluctantly left, leaving behind a silent gesture towards Sky. Though Sky hated to be a bug, he had no choice but to accept Payu's words, as he also knew Payu could keep himself from knowing Rain's reply to Sam's date. After all, Payu is Rain's hubby. Now Sky gave in to Payu's words, so he lifted Payu's call and put his phone on speaker near an alley of a cafe to hear their conversation, unable to shake off thoughts about Rain's response to Samuel's invitation. Well, he was wrong, to bug Rain through Sky's help but he couldn't stop thinking about what Rain would say to Sam in reply to the letter. Rain was his wife; what if no one knew it? What if Rain didn't want anyone to know it? Rain loved him, although their dynamics were a bit difficult now, but never mind, he also loved Rain so much. 

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