Payu or Rain's Love

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The days went on as usual for Rain, with the usual classes and the work piled up to be submitted at the end of the course. These training sessions seemed more hectic than normal classes, but the professor assured to give plenty of time and only one final submission of work. They assured to help and review work and guide students, and they needed to apply their knowledge of training sessions in their project. But these training sessions, to be accepted, were also fun, only if Payu had not interrupted Rain during lunch. Even though Rain didn't lift Payu's call, Payu called Ple, and she lifted up and gave the call to Rain after all those drama sessions for divorce which Payu and Rain played. Payu, at least, got a benefit of getting through to Rain's friends, one or the other, and Rain had to talk and take those forceful words of love from Payu. He was annoyed, but Payu knew this would happen, and he also knew this is all due to his past wrong behavior towards Rain. If Rain gets to see how sincere and serious Payu is, he will get his boy back.

Anyhow, Rain finished his classes, and Sky had a bit of work, so he needed to go alone. As expected, Payu came to pick up Rain, and Rain did avoid Payu. This happened for almost a week, Payu coming in the morning, calling Rain in the afternoon. However, Rain tried to avoid him; he called Ple, Por, Sig, or any others randomly. Rain cannot tell the reason to all, and there started another problem: as he can't tell the reason, people started thinking Rain and Payu had a quarrel, and his friends started asking him to forgive Payu. That is another torture. That evening, Rain had enough of his patience. However, he is ignoring, but Payu was day by day irritating him a lot. One evening, Rain burst out on Payu.

Rain: "Stop it, Payu, just stop. You are not... you are not helping and irritating me. This is not love. If at all it is, I just don't want anyone sharing their love with me this way. Stop it, I don't even want to see you."

Payu: "Rainy..."

Rain: "You say you love me, right? Then... then don't see me. I don't even want to see you, just get out of my life. I very, very hate you. Hate you so much." (Rain gets emotional)

Payu: "Okay, okay, don't get emotional, my boy."

Rain just stares with eyes full of tears, just about to come out.

Payu: "Sweet boy, okay, okay, I am sorry. Until you again ask me yourself to see me, I won't disturb you or see you. Okay, stop crying, wipe those tears... I can't see my sweet boy this way. I am sorry, okay, I will just drop you and leave. Please, I give you my word again, until you try to contact me, I will not try to meet you, okay?"

Rain: "You're just lying, you..."

Payu: "I give you my word, and I am a man of my words, please..." (He puts his hand on Rain's cheeks and wipes those small tears)

(Payu drops Rain and goes back home. Every evening, Payu sent various messages to Rain but that day Rain gets no messages from Payu. The next morning, Rain doesn't even see Payu like usual, and the same afternoon, he doesn't get any call or any trace of Payu till evening. Rain somehow thinks and couldn't stop thinking about Payu, how he suddenly, after yesterday's confrontation, left as he said. But is this the end? Well, well, well, he, our Venice the great, how can he leave someone, that too, his cute little rabbit, that easily? Well, there was no trace of Payu till evening, but at the end of the day, when Rain was leaving, there was a commotion at a place in the university, and Rain and his friends went near that to see what happened. As soon as they reached, they saw a big bouquet. This bouquet was similar to the one Payu gave Rain the first morning of apology, with the same kind of flower arrangement, but a bit more, actually a lot of flowers. There were many roses decorated in it, and it was actually very big and caught everyone's attention. But Rain thought there may be other people who can get that from the same shop, and there are other people also who share love through flowers; it might not exactly be Payu, right?

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