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After Rain leaves, Payu goes and freshens up, then goes to get a drink and finds a box in the refrigerator. He finds a note on it: "Thanks for the help; these cupcakes are for you. I made them with Pistachio ganache and nut coating as you liked it the first time you ate at my parents' house. These are specially for you; hope you like them." Payu reads the note and sees the cupcakes, understanding why Rain had forcefully made him leave. Rain would have also added chocolate chips and baked for Payu's friends, but as Rain wanted to surprise Payu, he asked him to leave. Payu thinks he is so sweet but decides to tease Rain, and an evil idea runs through his mind.

Rain's day was wet as planned; he had a lot of fun, and the ramen he ate at that Korean restaurant was the best. The movie was okay, but he got a pretty good bracelet while shopping. He returns home to find Payu working in his office. Rain goes to the kitchen to get water and notices that it was clean but the dishes were not cleaned. He thought to freshen up and clean them, changes his clothes, and comes downstairs. Then it strikes Rain that Payu is at home today and he did not find any cooked food bowls or takeout food containers, but by the time he left, it was already afternoon. So, did Payu have anything like lunch, etc., or not? Rain gets worried and goes to Payu's room.

Payu sees Rain coming to his room; he was talking on the phone and ends the call when Rain comes in. Though it was the weekend and Sunday, as there was an issue with the previous product launch in his company, he needed to fix some things. The market and their share price were stable, but he was worried and needed to correct the mistakes and errors so that this might not happen again. He just checked documents the whole week, and now that he got a new deal with investors, he wanted everything to be perfect, so he took extra care.

Payu: "So how was the day, Rain?"

Rain sees some coffee cups and takeout trash in Payu's room and feels relieved that at least Payu had something after all, even though they agreed to get a divorce, they still accepted to be friends and needed to take care of each other.

Rain: "It was good; I had a lot of fun, P'Payu."

Payu: "Good." (Now Payu was free from work and, as he thought in the morning, he wanted to tease Rain)

Rain: "Anyway, how was your day?"

Payu: "You made me work all day after you left; I had a lot of work related to the office. My weekend was as busy as weekdays."

Rain: "Some people are made to work like machines like you, while some are made to enjoy work and take pleasure in life like me."

Payu: "Now this seems to cross the line; now I feel regret leaving you without drenching in cream."

Rain: "Aww, don't be mean; I even left you those special ones which I made for you."

Payu: "What special ones?"

Rain: "In my favorite box, I decorated and left a note and some cupcakes for you."

Payu: "What cupcakes????" (Now Payu was enjoying)

Rain: "P'Payu, don't lie; I left some in the refrigerator for you with a note in my favorite box. Now stop teasing."

Payu: "Maybe Sky took them with icing boxes; I did not find any box. What did you leave? Did you leave a name on the note?" (Asks innocently; he remembers Rain did not mention any name on the note, so he started teasing)

Rain: "What? No, no, no, that is..." (Rain remembers he did not write any name on the note, and Sky, as a foodie as he is, why would he leave a cupcake box)

(Rain rushes and calls Sky, but Sky was asleep and did not pick up his call)

Rain: "Oh, shit, if that stupid Sky thinks it is a disposal box and throws it, I will be doomed. Ahh, what to do now, my favorite box."

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