New Couple(PaiSky)

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After spending time with Payu and Praphai, along with Rain Sky gradually softened towards them, and a strong bond formed among the four of them. Payu's efforts, especially after the incident involving Rain being missing, impressed Sky. The words of comfort and concern Payu expressed along with the actions Payu made to comfort Rain made Sky realize that Payu wasn't completely to blame for the marriage ending up that way and that he, too, was a victim of his parents' actions.

Initially harboring anger towards Payu, Sky's feelings shifted to Pai during the argument where Praphai was supporting Payu. However, as Sky became friendlier with Payu, his relationship with Praphai also improved. Sky began to understand the true intentions of the elders. During Rain and Payu's situation, Rain trusted Sky with the truth about his marriage. Sky eventually accepted the truth and also that Praphai was trustworthy to Payu as he was in Rain's life.

Despite Payu and Pai not openly admitting their closeness, they were life buddies who could understand each other at any moment. Before offering explanations or placing blame, they were ready to support each other. By watching them Sky understood it well. The dynamics changed after Praphai quarreled with Sky over Payu, but as they grew closer, things evolved.

One fine day, Sky decided to hit the mall with his friend from the dorm. His buddy had to bail due to work, leaving Sky to shop for clothes and household essentials. While indulging in a variety of foods, Sky spotted Praphai, looking like he was in a hurry, possibly being shadowed by someone.

As Sky stood in line for ice cream, a sudden pull interrupted him.

Sky: What the...? Praphai: Hi there, Nong Sky! Surprise!

Sky: P'Pai, hi. 

Praphai: What brings you to this corner of the world?

Sky: Oh, just waiting in line at the ice cream shop, either to buy shares or make the owner fall for me. (Sarcastic)

Praphai: Really? Is the owner hot? (Teasing)

Sky: P'Pai, you just made me miss my chance at the best and cheapest ice cream in Thailand! I stood in the queue for 15 minutes! (Pouting)

Praphai: Don't pout, adorable. I was just happy to see you, even if that ice cream is apparently more important.

Sky: Okay, okay, don't act like a lost puppy. Your overconfident look suits you better.

(They again join the queue and talk)

Praphai: So, did Rain join you?

Sky: No, I came with a dorm mate, but he left for work. Rain and Payu are off to lunch with Rain's parents today.

Praphai: That idiot is enjoying meals while I suffer for his mess. (Murmuring to himself thinking about Payu)

Sky: What? Did you say something?

Praphai: Nothing.

Sky: So, what's so special about this mall that you grace it with your presence?

Praphai: Don't tell it as if I am the royalty.

Sky: Oh, as if the great Praphai would step out when he has servants and a secretary at his beck and call. Why would he do anything himself?

Praphai: Oh, really? You've got a lot of info about me, Nong. Seems you're very interested.

Sky: Don't flirt. I just saw you talking with someone earlier, just wanted to know whether it was another fling or a serious thing?

Praphai: Who, no one. Just a shop advertiser following me to sell stuff. I was avoiding. Anyway, tell me, Nong, what flavor would you like? (Trying to divert as they reached their turn)

Sky: Strawberry and choco........

(But before Sky finishes telling, Praphai pulls him and runs)

Praphai: Run, Nong, run as fast as possible.

Sky: What? (Confused)

Praphai: I think today she's not going to leave me in peace.

(After a run, they hide, panting.)

Sky: What happened, P'Pai? Why are we running?

Praphai: Well, she's my ex.

Sky: And why are we running from her?

Praphai: She saw me this morning when I went to see a lawyer. Now she's been following me, and I don't want her messing up our plans. If she sees me, she will burst with questions, and any suspicion she is not going to leave that matter that easily.

Sky: So, you've been running since then?

Praphai: Yeah, tried to avoid her, but she's persistent. Bubblegum, you know? Clingy even after a breakup.

Sky: Why did you break up if she doesn't want to leave you?

Praphai: She already had a boyfriend when we met, lied to me that she was single, and when I came to know about it, she wanted to continue things behind his back. I flirt around people and have flings, but I don't want an illicit affair.

Sky: So, how do we leave now?

Praphai: Good question. I tried avoiding her, but she's like bubblegum. Once she sticks, it's hard to get rid of her. She has been following me since our breakup and always stalks me and tries to catch my attention. For once, I hate that I met her.

Sky: Well, we could just open the door and leave.

Praphai: Oh, what a brilliant plan. I didn't think of that.

Sky: (laughs) Not a joke. I'll go out first and guide you. Take a cab and leave. Give me your vehicle keys; I'll get it later.

Praphai: Okay, let's go.

(However, their escape plan goes awry when Praphai's ex catches them leaving the changing room. In a surprise move, Sky pretends to be Praphai's boyfriend to scare off the ex.)

Sky: So, my dear P'Pai, did you meet the lawyer? (Talks loudly so the ex listens)

(Praphai gets shocked to listen to Sky openly talking about the lawyer)

Praphai: What??

Sky: You said to me right someone of your ex was following you lately and stalking you and you wanted to complain about her. (Winking to Pai)

Praphai understands that Sky wants to divert the topic and make her get fooled and feared, so he acts along Sky

Praphai: Yes, my dear Sky, she is so clingy. I hate to be around her.

Sky: She must know even after a proper breakup if she stalks and begins to act clingy with you, it will come under harassment. Poor you.

Praphai: Yes, all these days I was silent, but if I again see her, I can complain about her. I even met a lawyer today, as you said, and he said as I have witnesses also, she will surely be punished if she messes with me.

Sky: Oh, that's great, oh my sweet boyfriend, you always act so smart.

Praphai: All I do is to make you feel good and gain your trust, sweetie. (After this conversation, the ex heard, she gets scared and goes away from there, and Sky and Praphai laugh about it)

Sky: Wow! She is really a single piece, huh, as nosy as you said.

Praphai: But you must have seen her expression when she heard about harassment complaint and ran away; it was so funny.

Sky: Anyhow, you missed my ice cream twice for the day. (Pouting)

Praphai: Oh, my nong has done a big favor for me today. I will treat you in a nice place; come on.

(Praphai takes Sky to a nice dessert place as a treat and spoils him with a lot of food present in the menu, and who is Sky to say no when it is food from a nice place that too from a good elder. They happily enjoyed the day and the turn of events).

StormyRains Symphonyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن