Chapter 12

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(Payu comes home late, gets ready, and takes Rain and goes to his parents' house)

(While in journey in car)

Rain: So... Thank you, P'Payu. I did not expect you to give me a gift all of a sudden. Anyways, thanks for the gift. How do I look? You didn't even tell me. P'Meen and P'Lily said this looks as if it was made for me and also ................(before Rain continues Payu cuts his words and tells)

Payu: Rain, it's from my mom.

Rain: What?

Payu: The suit and chain are from my mom.

Rain: Oh, but I thought...

Payu: Thought what, Rain? Can't you just be calm? Why do you always need to blabber? (in an angry tone)

Rain (at the edge of crying): I didn't mean to. You called me and talked about them, so I thought you sent them. I'm sorry, P'Payu. 

Payu (seeing Rain almost on edge to crying): I'm sorry, Rain, now Don't start crying. It's just that I'm like this. I talk like this you said you would accept me as I am right this is me if you want you can.........(thinks last two words"leave me" in mind as he get stuck by not knowing how to proceed and tell them to Rain)

Rain (sniffs and tries to stop crying): Is everything alright, P'Payu? You snapped at me all of a sudden. Did I do something and unknowingly hurt you? If so, I'm sorry.

Payu: Rain, just be quiet for some time and let me concentrate on driving.

(Throughout the journey, both stay calm after Payu's words.)

At dinner, Payu and Rain come to Payu's parents' house and see Saifah already inside.

Payu: Hey mom, hey dad.

Rain: Hi Aunty, hi Uncle, hi P'Saifah.

Payu dad: Cut it out, Rainy, no need for formalities. Come here.

Rain: Do you need any help, Aunty, Uncle?

Payu mom: I'm almost there. Help me get these to the table, dear.

Rain: Okay, Aunty. (They set the table and start dinner.)

Payu mom: So, Rainy, how are studies? Is everything alright? Are you comfortable in the new home? If there's any discomfort, tell me. We can fix it.

Rain: Everything is good, Aunty.

Payu mom: Good. So, Payu, is everything fine with married life and all?

Payu: Yeah, all good.(Tries to avoid huge conversations)

Payu dad: Is work good? It seems you had a heavy day? (Questions sarcastically)

Payu (tenses a bit): Everything is good.

(After dinner, Payu's parents' house is big with fruit plants in the lawn and a big garden, unlike Payu's house.)

Payu mom: Oh, I forgot to get the fruits from garden again to add to the dessert.

Payu dad: Don't worry, dear. We can cut and add them now.

Payu dad (referring to Rain): Rain, can you cut and get some fruits from lawn for custard? Actually, we prefer doing house dinners ourselves, so there are no maids today. Can you help us out?

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