It's not easy to get Rain

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After hearing Payu's words, Rain was actually shocked and still thought Payu was acting, as if someone was noticing them. So, he takes his phone and types a message stating, "Is someone watching us? Is the car even bugged?" and shows it to Payu. However, as soon as Payu sees it, he gets vexed. Here he is, actually struggling to pour out all his feelings to Rain, but Rain, instead, doesn't believe that Payu is telling his true feelings after all those weird plans just to make people believe and act to take a proper divorce. But now things changed, and he wanted this, Rain, and wanted to make him believe and trust that he truly loved this Rain and unknowingly fell for him so hard. After seeing the message, Payu was speechless. He needs a strong confrontation. So, instead of moving to the condo, he drives to his house. Rain was confused as Payu took another route and he asks Payu, but Payu insists that they need to talk. As soon as they reach Payu's home, things were really silent. It was not the first time Rain went to this house, but this time it felt a different vibe. Payu took Rain inside and then started telling.

Payu: "Rain, I... I know it's hard for you to believe or trust me right now, but there is no one watching us. Everything I have told you is what I feel for you, Rain. It's just... I know it's hard for you to even believe it." (He takes Rain's hand to put it near his heart.) "But trust me, I love you, and I... I no more want to ignore this feeling when I still got a chance before it's too late. I just want us to give... a chance to this relationship."

(Payu was never this nervous. This is not just because he is proposing to someone, but because things between him and Rain were complicated, and he knew Rain had every right to ignore him. But now he doesn't even want to consider that option.)

(On the other side, Rain was just overwhelmed by feelings. These words of trust, if Payu had given them weeks ago, he would have happily run into his arms lovingly and given whatever was in his aid to make it possible. But after all these things, he is... he is just...)

Rain: "You... P'Payu, what are you saying? Why are you saying this now after everything you wanted was to get rid of me? Why?"

Payu: "Rain, I'm sorry for whatever, but now..."

Rain: "Oh, just because now you want to have this relationship and give it a chance, I must also try and accept? And when you don't want anything, you will throw me like dirt and behave cold? It is as if, if you don't want me, you leave me, and when you want me, you act like I was wrong from the first. How can you ask me anything like that after all that happened? And how can you think I will... Do you think I am shameless? I will literally be shameless to do it. I know you are an alpha, but trust me, everything can't go as per your wish. I no more want this."

(Rain removes his hand from Payu's chest, but Payu still holds it.)

Payu: "Rain, I didn't mean anything like that. I already told you in what circumstances I needed to marry you. I accept I was wrong, but at that stage, I was mad at the way it happened, and I did not understand or try to understand you. And I did not want to stay and love a person just because I married him. I wanted to love someone out of my own feelings. Love can't be compelled, and I did not want to... anyhow. I didn't even get to see the real you in that marriage until our divorce planning. You were so soft and... was like a..."

Rain: "I was a fragile omega, and you don't want one like that, right?"

(Rain tries to withdraw his hand, but Payu holds it, holding it closer.)

Payu: "Rain, I didn't mean anything like that. I meant you were never so open, and showing your sides, your sweetness, and everything about you was not what I wanted from a partner. Only after our planning, you showed me the real you. Whatever it may be, that speaking one, bratty one, demanding one, caring, encouraging, and the understanding one. Everything... everything was only out after things turned out that way. And I thought it may be a harsh truth, but Rain, don't you think it was our turning point?"

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