Chapter 19

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(Payu is overseeing some work in the garage after finishing his company tasks early. Suddenly, he receives a call from Sky in a panic. Payu answers nonchalantly but becomes shocked and tense as Sky speaks, and he rushes for his bike.)

Call rings twice, and Payu notices it's Sky calling.

Payu: Hi Sky, anything urgent? Sorry, I was caught up with work. Is there— (Sky cuts him off.)

Sky: P'Payu, is Rain with you?

Payu: What? No, he must be home.

Sky: No, P'Payu. I'm at your house now. The watchman said Rain hasn't come home. Maybe he's with you.

Payu: No, Sky, he's not with me. What happened? Why are you so tense? Maybe he's at the cafe for his part-time job.

Sky: No P'Payu, he didn't go to the cafe for work today. Actually, I can't find him since this afternoon. After our classes, he left without his bag. I tried calling, but he's not answering. I've been to your home, and Rain's not there. His parents said he didn't come home. I even called your parents, and they suggested he might be with you. I called our friends, and no one knows where he is. I'm getting worried. He didn't even go to the cafe.

Payu: Sky, don't panic. I'll go search for him. What happened? When did you last see him? And why did he leave without you? You both usually go together, right?

Sky: P'Payu, today was the submission of our latest assignment. Rain was late to class, and the professor asked him to meet after classes. Rain said the professor rejected his assignment due to the delay. We've been working on it for two weeks. He looked disappointed but silently came to class without talking to me or going to lunch. I tried calling him, but he just walked away after class without his things. I'm scared. Do something. I've been searching for him for 4 hours now (panicking).

Payu: Sky, just calm down. Go back to your dorm. It's already too late; it's not safe to roam out on the street this late. I'll find Rain and call you. Just stay calm.

(Payu rushes out, grabs his helmet, and rides off. Saifah witnesses the scene, visibly shocked. It's been days since Payu used his bike for transportation; he usually tests them for races but always prefers the comfort of a car. However, in this situation, using a bike for faster mobility becomes essential. Payu curses himself for not calling Rain during lunch, as stalkers believed their calls, and public displays of affection had reduced. Payu, frustrated, searches every place while riding around, blaming himself for the lack of communication with Rain. He usually calls Rain for PDA during lunch; the stalkers in his office seemed less around him these days, so their calls reduced, and he had a few works that afternoon, so he couldn't call Rain. He thought maybe if he would have called and talked in the afternoon itself, this might not have happened.)

**As Payu searches for Rain's whereabouts, heavy rain starts falling, soaking him. Unable to locate Rain, Payu eventually gives up, deciding to call his workers to search for Rain. He stops near a park and takes out his phone but then remembers that Rain's watch has a digital locator synced with him. Payu tries his luck and finally finds Rain's location and rides to the place he notices a closed under renovation park and goes inside according to the location and finds Rain seeking shelter in a closed area, crying on his knees. Payu approaches Rain.)

Payu: Rain.

Rain (still crying)...

Payu (slowly approaching and touching Rain's shoulder): Rain.

(Rain lifts his head, eyes swollen, and nose pink. Payu realizes Rain has been crying for a while. Payu goes near Rain and opens his shoulders for comfort. Rain hugs him, crying, and Payu runs his hand through Rain's back.)

Payu: Rain, it's okay. Everything will be fine. Let's go home.

Rain: P'Payu, today...

(Rain continues to cry, spelling Payu's name. Payu consoles him.)

Payu: It's okay, Sky told me things like this would happen. They happened to me too. We'll talk. Let's go.

Rain (Still crying): Payu: It's okay, Rainy. Just let yourself free. I will wait.

Rain: I am just... just... so careless. (crying)

Payu: Things like this happen in everyone's life, baby boy. They act as lessons. It's okay, Rain. Just let it go.

Rain: (Cries tightening hold on Payu)

Payu: Now come on get up baby boy see how drenched you are like a little mouse Get up lets get you home and clean up.

(Rain cries buried in Payu's hug)

Payu: It's okay, Rain. We'll talk at home. It's raining. Come with me.

Rain: (Lifting his head Looks at Payu)

(Payu kisses at Rain's forehead caresses him and continues)

Payu: Imagining you in such a state, do you think your parents and Sky would be okay?? They'll be really sad to see you cry and broken. So, think about them. Pull yourself together, Rain. Be strong. Let's go home, and you can share the rest of your situation about what happened with me there.

((Sound of falling Rain, thunders in Sky echo all around) Rain, after a moment of silent cry wipes his eyes with his fists and gets up to leave. Payu takes him on his bike, and they reach home. After arriving, Payu sends Rain to take a bath while he freshens up and makes something for the boy. Payu brings hot soup to Rain's room.)

Rain (sitting beside the bed, drying his hair):

Payu: Come on, have some soup and take some meds so you don't catch a cold.

(Rain takes the soup, has the meds from Payu, and places them on the nightstand, thanking him.)

Payu: Rain, it's okay. It's just the first time. Remember to be frank with everything. Manage your time efficiently. Your sir did his part of job to evaluate your performance through your talent, hard work, and punctuality. There is nothing wrong that he rejected your work. Just think that you're working in some firm and you missed a deadline. If it's important, that may cause huge harm to the company's reputation, right? It may have not only affected you but also everyone around you. Teachers or your lecturers can be a bit strict to make you aware of that kind of work atmosphere now itself and make you punctual. This is the final stage of your study life, Rain, and now dedication is the key. I heard architecture is a tough choice, but focus, and you'll make it. And for the assignment part, leave it. You just missed it already. We can't do anything about it, but in the future, work hard and manage your time better. Maybe if you show more dedication and request Sir, he may accept your work. Just put more effort into that subject, okay?

(Rain nods.)

Payu: If there's anything, tell me. We've claimed to be friends, and I'll put all my effort to be a good friend. Why were you late? You usually do your uni work in time and put all effort. I watch you study late nights what happened? Why did you miss a deadline???

Rain: Nothing, P'Payu. I'll be more careful. Thanks for those words.

Payu: Rain, now. (Maintaining a serious tone)

Rain: It's just overwhelming, P'Payu. University, house chores, cooking, part-time at the cafe – it's all sudden, and maybe I'm not good at...(Payu stops Rain, holds his hand and caresses his hand)

Payu: It's okay, Rain. You can manage slowly. Don't think too much. Eat and sleep.

Rain: Okay.

Payu: Good night, Rain.

Rain: Good night, P'Payu.

(Payu leaves the room and goes to sleep.)

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