Chapter 3

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(On same day At the fest around 6pm)

Payu Dad: Hey gorgeous, you're shining like a diamond tonight!

Payu Mom: Oh stop it, you handsome devil. Your gym routine must be paying off.

Payu Dad (smirking): Well, it's all for that sweet, lusty smile of yours, darling. Gotta keep you impressed.

Payu Mom(Blushing): Quit flirting, we're in public!

Mr. Pattrik: Hey there, Mr. and Mrs. Sermsongwittaya!

Payu Dad and Mom: Hey Mr. and Mrs. Pattrik! Where's your Prize-winning kiddo?

Mrs. Pattrik: Off with friends, as usual.

Rita: Hi aunty, hi uncle!

Payu Dad and Mom: Hey, dear! You're all grown up, still looking cute.

Rita: Thanks, aunty. You both are stunning!

Payu Dad and Mom: Thanks, dear.

Rita: So, where are Payu and Saifa?

Payu Dad and Mom: Saifa's got some match with friends, and Payu's dealing with some last-minute chaos.

(Random guy makes a comment"like as always", and Payu Dad and Mom get annoyed, thinking it was better payu skipped the ceremony)

(Award ceremony unfolds, and Rita tries to grab their attention. However, they're captivated by a cute omega. The awards are presented, and they head to the party. The night ends with them amused by the omega at the ceremony)

(What happened and how did Rain Caugth Payu's parents attention)

(Sig approaches Rain)

Sig: Yo Rainy, why the didn't you get in on any of the cultural stuff?

Rain:  Oh, Sig, my name is Rain R-a-i-n don't call me Rainy and cut me some slack. I'm not built for that spotlight life. I have Stage fright and Can't even stand straight in front of a bunch of people, you know?(As both of them are talking Por comes over)

Por (suddenly panicking): Oh man, there's a disaster! Sky's down!

Rain: What happened?

Por: You know Sky was supposed to give a speech, right? Well, he's sick now. Someone dropped a ton of stage stuff on his leg.

Rain: Seriously? Where is he?

Por: Rehearsal room.

Rain: And he's still there? What the heck?

Por: Seniors won't let me in, but a buddy spilled the beans, that Sky got hurt, man.

Rain: What? Let me call Sky.

Por: Put it on speaker. We're diving in too.

Rain: Hey Sky, Por's flipping out, said you got injured.(In call with sky on speaker)

Sky: I'm in the prep room. Took some meds, I'm good. Finish up here, then I'm bouncing back home.(In call)

Rain: Come on, Sky, don't be stubborn. Just bail.(In call)

Sky: Can't, Rain. They want me to finish the speech. They tried to find a replacement but couldn't find any(In call)

Rain: Sky, I'll give the darn speech. You just go to the hospital and then home. I helped you prep, remember? I got this.(In call)

Sky: It's cool, Rain. I'm fine I will just give it and go as soon as it finishes.(In call)

Rain: I'm on my way, Sky. Don't give me excuses when I'm offering help, Take it, don't act like a helpless idiot.(In call)

Sig: Yeah, Sky, don't be a hero. Go home. We've got tests in a few weeks, and if you're sick, you're screwed.(In call)

Por: Seriously, Sky, I will take you to hospital, then home. Listen to us.(In call)

(Payus' parents overhear the whole thing, realizing Rain, despite seeming uninterested From what Payu's parents heard in their conversation Rain, was shy introvert with stage fright, never participated in cultural but steps up when someone's in need. They catch Rain's impromptu speech later and think, "Hey, this guy might be onto something interesting." he even gave his best that it didn't seem he was unprepared)


After a few days from the fest, Payu's mom and dad decided to hit the pub for some drinks. Once they got comfy in their seats, they noticed some big shots hassling an omega. Before they could play superhero, another omega swoops in for the rescue.

Omega1: Back off, you jerk!

Rogue Alpha1: Don't play tough, sweetheart.

Rogue Alpha2: Yeah, don't act like we're hitting on you without an invitation.

Rogue Omega: You were practically sending smoke signals with your sexy dance and subtle hints.

Omega1: Dude, I just came for some fresh air, not a round of drama.

Omega's Friend: Just leave us alone, please.

Rogue Alpha2: We're not kidnapping you, seriously (with a creepy smirk). Give us what we want, and we'll scram.

Omega1: I'm not gonna let you sniff around me. Stop being so creepy!

Rogue Alpha1: I already told you, don't make me get rough (he holds her waists painfully).

Omega1's Friend: please leave us?

Rogue Omega: Yeah, please us, and we'll vanish like ghosts.

(Suddenly, a new omega arrives)

Rain: Hey there, party animals! What's the happening?

Rogue Omega: Don't butt in, shorty.

Rain: I'm not crashing the party; I'm here to spice it up.

Rogue Alpha1: Oh, really? So, you're eager, huh? (He loosens his grip on Omega)

Rain: Eager to know how I smell?

Rogue Alpha2: Eager and curious? (He moves closer)

Rain: Pepper. Do you like it?

(Before the rogues can react, Rain sprays pepper spray in their faces, that goes into their eyes and noes Rain takes this as a chance and makes a run for it with the other two omegas)

(Rogues suffer from the burn for 20 minutes, wash up, and plan to grab a drink before hunting them down as their eyes are blur. However, the police show up and arrest them, citing a complaint from an omega about harassment.)

Rogues: We're innocent! They attacked us with pepper spray!

Police: Yeah, right. Watch this. (Shows video evidence)

Police: The omega said they were scared you'd cause trouble in the future, so they complained. Even if they get a tiny punch in the future, you're the prime suspects.

(Rogues are shocked and try to bolt, but the police nab them)

Payu Mom: That omega is one brave and clever cookie.

Payu Dad: Absolutely, not just a hero but smart enough to file a complaint to avoid future headaches. Quite the catch.

Payu Mom: True, a real combo package.

(Payu mom and dad wrap up their night with a few more drinks, discuss the craziness, call their driver, and head home.)

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