Original Date(What happened Payu Pov on First Date)

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(Imagine this as continuation after chapter 7 after Phayu visit Rain for the first time at home his mother forcing him to go  on a date)

Phayu: What the heck, Saifah? Why did you do that there? Now she's dragging me into a date! You messed everything up, man. And Pai, how on earth did you dodge all those marriage proposals with those tricks? I'm stuck here, and if it was any worse, I'd have asked Rain to reject the marriage. Now, I have to spill the beans on the date.

Saifah: I did not ask you to get impressed and praise him so much

Praphai: Wow is he so cute I also want to see him once(Both Saifa and Praphai tease Phayu)

Phayu: Shut up.........Idiots ..........Ahhhh now I should work things my way..............

(On The Day of Date)

Rain: Hey, P'Payu.
Payu: Hi, Rain.

(On the day of the date, Phayu is five minutes late not due to an important meeting but he forgot about the date but he tells Rain meeting as an excuse and tells Rain after the meeting, he rushed to meet Rain, who's waiting.)

Waiter: Ready to order, sir?

Rain: Oh, we just got here.

Payu: Rain, it's cool. Let's talk after ordering. I'm already late; consider it an apology. (Payu thinks to talk sweetly to Rain so he will accept to reject marriage from his side)

Rain: Stop it, you're only five minutes late.

(They order food and get calls from friends. After talking, Payu returns, and the food is served but he notices someone annoying: his ex from college who ditched him not knowing he is rich. She left Payu for another alpha. Payu notices her and to make her realize what she lost, acts lovingly to Rain.)

Payu: Rain, you should've started.
Rain: I was waiting for you.

(Payu softens after Rain's words and talks sweetly, noticing his ex watching him. They start a conversation.)

Payu: Rain, hold the fork like this.
(Rain tries but struggles.)

Payu (annoyed, but then deciding to take matters into his own hands and make his ex jealous): Alright, Rain, gimme that I'll feed you. Say "ahh," Rainy boy.
(Rain feels a bit awkward but secretly pleased.)

(Payu does and says everything only to make his ex jealous)
Payu: Chill, baby, it's cool. You don't need to know everything; we can learn slowly, so don't feel low about not knowing how to eat. We're on a learning curve here, so no need to stress about not being a pro eater or anything that comes in the future that makes you doubt yourself. Today, since I am here, let me feed you, "baby," so open wide and let me handle the feeding duties.
(Rain is taken aback by the "baby" term but can't help but smile at Payu's goofy encouragement.)

(After some time Rain tells Payu he can eat the rest by himself, and Payu should finish his food. Payu sees his ex and forgets how he is acting to Rain and only thinks to make his ex Sad by behaving like a good boyfriend to Rain)

Payu: It's okay, Rain. You can eat the rest by yourself. If you feel bad, you can also feed me. (He sees his ex and smirks like he got the best)

(Rain gets shy and starts blushing.)

Rain: So, P'Payu, do you like me? Like, are you happy about this...? (Rain continues, but Payu intervenes in between to not make his ex realize it's their first date)

Payu: I don't know, Rainy. Things take time, but trust me, I will try and change for you. (Tries to speak to instigate his ex)

Rain: Not "I" but "We" will try, P'Payu. But no need to change for me; I like you just the way you are – perfect for me. The rest, we'll figure out with a little help from our family; we'll navigate everything together. (Listening to this, his ex storms angrily from there)

(Payu feels happy by his ex going angrily eventually They finish their meal and head to the parking lot.)

Rain: Bye, P'Payu.

Payu: I can drop you home. (Since he is happy making his ex angry, offers a ride also to ask Rain to reject the idea of marriage)

Rain: My friend's coming so I can manage. Bye, P'Payu. (Payu thinks since it is late, he will request another time sooner and Lets Rain Be and leaves First)

We know what happened Later from "the Date" Chapter

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