Plan-1 Continuation

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After the incident, Payu's parents decide to stay back for some days with them until Payu is fully healthy. They shift to Payu's house and notice that Payu and Rain still stay in separate rooms, considering it a significant difference. Slowly, the days end, and both Payu and Rain text each other for some time about a new plan. The night unfolds Payu tells he would rest back early and goes to his room. After an hour, all members of house go back to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Payu's dad wakes up to some sounds and goes out to get water. Suddenly, he notices Payu going into Rain's room and follows him, hiding so Payu wouldn't notice. After Payu goes inside, he slowly opens the door and notices Payu sitting beside Rain, who is in sound sleep. Payu is caressing the boy's flushed cheek and cooing at him in his sleep. After some time, he hears Payu cursing himself, "I might have been a bit more careful, sweet boy. You might have got hurt due to me. Why did you marry me? I can't even take care of you. I am so wrong for you, Rain." Listening to this, Payu's dad gets a bit shocked and worried. He thinks that though Payu has love for Rain, his fear is stopping him from getting closer. Instead of forcing him, he believes that he must give him assurance and space to evaluate. He notices Payu staring at the sleeping boy and caressing Rain sweetly. He stays there for some time, and before leaving, he tells, "Why don't you get rid of me, Rainy? I am no way better for you, for your sweet innocent smile, for your cute endearing, all those efforts you made to get close to me. I cannot do anything for you. Why me? I can only love you back in return, but what if I hurt you? That is the last thing I want. So better let me put the distance, sweet boy. See you, meet you tomorrow at the same time. Seeing you sleep is the most cutest thing I have ever noticed." Saying this, he is about to move, then Payu's dad goes and hides himself. He sees Payu going out of Rain's room back to his room and thinks he should tell this to his wife and find a way to boost his son's confidence to have a relationship.

Payu's mom listens to her husband's words and gets shocked but cannot believe or completely understand what happened. Then the sun rises as usual, Payu gets ready and has his breakfast. To everyone's shock, Payu tells he would drop Rain to college from now on. "Rain, I will drop you to college from today onwards. I will drop and pick you up. I don't want anyone attacking you like yesterday, and you being helpless. I can't roam around hospitals, ruining my work time." Rain gets annoyed and tells, "I am not a kid. I can go by like I go every day. Because one incident happened, you care. I will feel happy if you Say that you have concern; I would happily come. But saying I am weak, I don't accept it." Payu sees him worriedly and says, "Whatever that means, get ready fast. I am going to be late. You have morning classes almost all this month, so be ready as soon as possible. When your schedule changes, note me down." Though Payu was rude, their parents think at least he cares for Rain, and Rain accepts going with Payu.

The same evening, Payu also picks up Rain from cafe(Rain works at a Cafe as Part time), drops him home, and goes back to work. Again, Rain talks with Payu's mom and dad. They don't inquire about the incident from Rain, but they found that, as Rain said, they went to all those places after the fight with Smug as Rain mentioned. As Payu could not drive, Rain also drove back home. So they assume what Payu and Rain told of the attack is true. They notice in the small time, Rain tried to finish his homework and also tried to cook something, though not mentioning it is for Payu. Payu's parents think Rain is doing it indirectly for Payu. At night, Payu comes a bit late as usual, goes to his room, freshens up, comes for dinner, and then watches TV or reads the paper or sees documents in the hall where Rain does his college work. They also notice Payu occasionally glancing at Rain, and Rain also sees Payu and tries to speak to him but gets no result. After Rain bids goodnight, Payu also goes after some time to sleep in his room.

Today, as yesterday, Payu told he would meet Rain tomorrow. Payu's mom and dad were alert to see if it was true or not. But to their surprise, Payu does not come out at the same time. As they were about to leave after waiting for an hour, they notice Payu going to Rain's room at the same time and checks if he is asleep or not. He again admires and talks to the sleeping beauty. As time passes, he again bids bye and leaves Rain's room. Payu's parents see all this and don't understand anything. It goes on almost every day; they see Payu going to the boy's door. Sometimes he would admire the boy for his efforts, and sometimes he would scold Rain for his sweet mistakes. Sometimes he asks sorry to him. As Payu's parents notice, it goes on for two weeks, and they think he might be doing it for a long time from their marriage. They think Poor Rain is not even able to know this, and every day, Payu goes around different times, around 1:30 to 4 in the night, so he knows Rain's exact sleep times daily.

One day, Payu's dad goes to Payu's room to get a document which Payu was studying yesterday. But he did not find it in the study room or hall, so he thinks Payu might have put it in his room and goes there. When he was about to return, taking the document from the nightstand, he notices Payu's almrah half-closed. He goes to close it fully and notices various squishes, fluff toys, flowers, a chain, and a suit, and a book. He opens the book to see Payu getting stuff for Rain but did not know how to give him those. Writing, "My sweet boy will look cute in this suit. This chain is made for your neck, Rainy. You love slushies, right? I got you but how to give you..." and so on, a list and at last, "I garden for you, Rainy. Hope you like the flowers blossomed. I planted them and take care of them with love as you like flower gardens, right?" Payu's dad gets the shock of his life, seeing Payu leading his one side of life, fighting to express his love due to fear. He calls his wife and Payu mom also wittness them and gets shocked.

Finally, Payu's mom and dad think and get ready to confess with Payu tonight and make him encourage to express his feeling. It has been weeks since they noticed Payu doing this. As usual, Payu goes to Rain's room, and Rain is sleeping. He, as usual, talks to Rain and in between tells, "How cute are you, Rainy? That boy today at uni, I hate him, Whenever he comes near you, I feel offended and want to keep you for myself and hide you away from all. I became a psycho for you, Rainy. Even tend to think a lot about you these days, Rainy. I love you with all my heart. Go away from me, Rainy, as soon as possible before I no more can stand your absence. Leave me, baby boy; this is all your chance. You have no future with me." Listening to this, Payu's parents get stressed. They want to drag him out and give him a big hug and comfort him and tell him to express himself. But before they can do that, they get shocked at the most.

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