Chapter 6

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(AT Payu prarents house when both payu and Saifah go to dinner)

Payu & Saifah: Hey, Mom! What's up, Dad?

Payu's Mom: Hey there, Payu! How's life treating you, dear?

Payu's Dad: Everything good at work, son?

Payu's Mom: Did you have a fun week? Oh, and don't be shy to invite your pals over sometime!

Payu's Dad: Look at you, Payu, you've been hitting the gym or what? You're looking sharp!

(Saifah feels a bit left out.)

Saifa: Uh, hey folks! I'm here too, you know.

Payu's Mom: Oh, hi, Saifah! Help me set the table, please.

Payu's Dad: Payu, let's catch up.

(While setting the table, Payu and Saifah notice the extra attention Payu is getting from his parents.)

Payu: (whispering to Saifa) Did I do something?

Saifah: Why? (poker face, feeling left out)

Payu: Today, they're being extra nice to me.

Saifah: I feel like I'm adopted (sarcastically).

Payu: Really? (poker face) Well, maybe you're adopted.

Saifah: Or perhaps they adopted you, and they're trying to break the news gently by being extra nice.

Payu: Shut up, you idiot.

Payu: I can't even sniff their mood. Maybe they're using mood blockers.

Saifah: Same here.

(Payu decides to break the silence.)

Payu: Mom, Dad, what's up? Need me for a fancy dinner, a business deal, or some event?

Payu's Mom: Nothing, dear. We're just in a good mood.

Payu: Share the joy, so I can be happy too.

Payu's Mom: Before we spill our news, spill yours first. Anything special happening?

Payu: Huh? I did not understand, Mom?

Payu's Dad: Come on, kiddo, don't play innocent. Are you seeing someone? Got a crush to share with us?

Payu (getting all serious and annoyed): Nope, no time for love drama. Got work piled up.

(Seeing Payu's expression, Saifah tries to change the subject.)

Saifah: Yeah so tell us your news, Mom, spill the beans. Any company acquisitions or divorces?

(Payu's dad gives Saifah a glare, and mom smacks him and says eat quietly)

Saifah: Ouch, that hurts! Anyway, spill the news. (Grabs a glass of water to sip)

Payu's Mom: Our son's getting married. We found the perfect Omega.

(Saifah spits out his water in shock.)

Payu's Dad: Don't even know how to drink water, idiot.

Payu: You didn't say you were getting married, brother. (teasing)

Saifah: (shakes his head)

Payu's Dad: He's not ready for that responsibility yet. He doesn't even know how to drink water properly.

Saifah: Dodged a bullet there. (murmurs to Payu)

Payu: So, when do I meet this Omega and tell him I'm not marrying? (mocking)

Payu's Mom: Payu, this is serious. He's perfect for you.

Payu: Says who? (angry and arrogant)

Payu's Dad: Us. And you'll trust our choice.

Payu: I'm not a kid taking orders. I know how to live my life.

Payu's Mom: Payu, he's a great match. Just meet him once, and you'll see and know it yourself.

Payu: If I meet him. But I won't. (gets up to leave)

Payu's Dad: This isn't over, Payu.

Payu's Mom: You're 26, and it's time. You'll attend the meeting with his family, or you'll see a side of me you don't want to.

(Payu, surprised by his mom's anger, reluctantly agrees and internally scolds the omega responsible for this.)

Payu: Okay, I'll go. But this better be good.

Payu's Mom: Saifah, you're coming too. No special invitations. Best behavior, or you'll face my wrath.

(All alphas and the beta gulp in fear.)

Payu's Mom: Now finish your food like a good boy.

Payu: (Sits silently and eats.)

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