Start of plan part-1

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Payu and Rain consider starting their act as soon as they return home. Payu begins to act as if he has been hit by someone, unable to walk or stand.

P'Meen: What happened, sir? Is everything alright?

Payu: I'm fine, just a bit uneasy. Get lunch ready as soon as possible and serve it to my room.

Meen: Okay, sir.

(Rain acts like he's helping the limping Payu, but Payu lets go of his hand, rushes, and locks his door)

Rain: Don't know when he'll change.(Acting sad)

Meen and Lily (after Payu leaves): What happened, Rain? Why is he limping, and why didn't you return home last night?

Rain (trying to sound sad): He... He's so stubborn, never listens to me. I sometimes don't understand what he feels about me.

Lily: What happened, Rain? Is everything alright? Why didn't you return home after dinner last night?

Rain: I don't know (acting sad). I... just.

Meen: Rain, you can tell your P'Meen. I am all ears. (Rain feels their plan is working and thinks to tell them the story they prepared and fool them)

Rain: Yesterday night, when we returned from dinner at Payu's parents' place, we were on our way back, and suddenly our car got a flat tire. We didn't have any tools, and it was heavily raining. We pulled the car to the side, turned on our hazard lights, and thought of calling a mechanic. But there was no signal. We decided that when the rain stopped, P'Payu would change the tire, and we could go back. However, it was heavy rain, and it didn't stop. P'Payu went out to change the tire in the rain, and as he was drenched, I held an umbrella for him. He told me to go in, but I was stubborn. When he almost finished fixing the tire, a smug group tried to steal things from us. We gave everything, and P'Payu even gave the car keys. But then they asked for my marriage ring. I was stubborn about it since it was given by P'Payu's mom, and she also said it was her mother's. It's precious to me, being the first thing P'Payu ever gave me. I didn't give it, and when one of them tried to attack me, P'Payu intervened, beat them up, and asked me to sit inside the car. I wanted to help him, but one person held me and threatened to hurt, so P'Payu surrendered, and a guy kicked him on his arm. I freed myself, spraying pepper spray on their eyes, and P'Payu beat them up, even taking the keys to their motorcycle for them to not follow us. We drove to a nearby cafe, I freshened up, and by the time P'Payu slept in the car due to exhaustion, it was morning. We had breakfast and drove back home. He was so protective yesterday; he even said that if anyone tried to lay a finger on me, he would kill them. But today, he's acting distant, not even accepting my help. I don't understand him sometimes.

Meen: It's okay, Rain. He might be a bit tired. You go and take rest; you had a rough day.

Lily: We'll serve your food in the room; freshen up and take rest.

Rain: Okay.

(Rain goes back to his room, and Payu and Rain text each other)

Rain: I've told them the story we prepared. Be prepared; your parents may come any moment.

Payu: Okay, I already have arm pain, so being patient is not a total lie.

Rain: Anyhow, act stubborn as much as possible, like you always do.

Payu: I am not stubborn.

Rain: If you are going to argue, I am going to end the chat, and remember not to tell anyone about this, no matter how good friends they are. We don't know who's on our side and who's on your parents' side, so be careful.

Payu: You've said this for the 15th time since the ride.

Rain: See, I'm doing all this because I have a small pinch of guilt as you were forced into this marriage. If anything goes wrong, I will take a divorce, stating the real reason, and you will be doomed.

Payu: Okay, okay, I know. Anyhow, be prepared. Bye...

(Meen and Lily inform Payu's parents as they thought, and they hurry to get a doctor)

Payu's Mom: Where is he, Meen? We got a doctor. Is he hurt badly?

Meen: He was limping a bit, Madam and Rain said someone kicked him on the arm, but we noticed no major injuries on his body.

(They all go to Payu's room and notice him working on a laptop. Payu's mom goes near him)

Payu's Mom: How can you be so reckless about your health and not take care of yourself?

Payu: What?(acting confused)

Payu mom: Don't act Payu we got to know what happened last night how can you not care to tell us......Anyhow you Should be having treatment by now but we got doctor now just get a check up

Payu: Your stubborn son-in-law got me checked in a nearby nursing home. I got meds and some painkillers.

(Rain enters)

Rain: I'm not stubborn. I said if you want me to get checked up, I want you also to get checked. You also got hurt, P'Payu. You're not any superhero to get cured without help.

Payu interrupts: I said I was fine.

Rain: Yes, that's why the nurse said you sprained your ankle, and your arm also got hurt and also asked you to get proper checkup stating she only knows minor first aid . Why can't you face facts? Now, with or without your consent, get checked up and take meds; else, I am also not taking mine.

Payu, irritated: Ugh, why are you like this?

Rain: If you are stubborn, so am I, a bit more than you. I was a single kid; maybe I was more pampered than you, so you can't beat my stubbornness. Now, are you taking it, or shall I also skip?

Payu: Fine.

After that, the doctor checks; he finds Payu's arm a bit swollen but didn't seem from a fight. It was only mild. As they said, the leg was only mildly hurt. He directly gives meds without checking and sees Rain, but finds nothing other than a few rashes. The doctor leaves.

(Payu's parents see the conversation between Rain and Payu and get a bit surprised. Payu, who didn't even give a damn about Rain till yesterday, suddenly fights with Rain like a married man with authority and also accepts a checkup only when Rain intervenes. They think maybe he has a soft spot for the boy and is slowly uncovering it. From what they heard from Meen and Lily of Rain story he even fought for Rain and also claimed him they think finally Payu is Changing)

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