Chapter 20

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The next morning, Rain prepared for the day as usual, heading out to the kitchen to make breakfast. To his surprise, Payu was already serving food on plates.

Rain: Good morning, P'Payu.
Payu: Good morning, Rainy.
Rain: Well, you don't need to...(Seeing Payu Serving food)
Payu: Cut the crap. I have some free time, and when you claim to be busy, just rely on me for a few days. When you have holidays and are free again, you can cover my responsibilities. So, never mind.
Rain: You're saying this as if we're committing to it for life.
Payu: Anyhow, I make better breakfast than you. Good for my taste buds.
Rain: I also make good food.
Payu: Not better than mine. Anyway, hop on, eat. I'll get ready and come.
Rain: I can wait. Besides, I still have time to go to uni. I'll handle the cleaning part.
Payu: And about that...
Rain: About what?
Payu: So, Sky...
Rain: Oh, no! I forgot to call Sky. He might be...(Rain remembers how he left yesterday from class and gets worried)
Payu: Yes, I texted him back last night and called him. He was a bit worried about you.
Rain: He's going to kill me.
Payu: He's fine. He was anxious to meet you, but after I talked to him and showed you sleeping in a video call, he calmed down.
Rain: Oh, okay, but that doesn't explain...
Payu: I was getting to that. Don't cut me off. I spoke to Sky, and he mentioned that you have a busy schedule for another week. I may not be available every day to help you out. I have an important meeting. So, considering all this, I thought these tasks are a bit overwhelming. I hired a maid, and listen, he'll come twice a week to tend to the garden and clean the house. So, focus more. You're already behind 10 percent marks in that subject. Concentrate on it. No more arguments. This is the final decision, okay?
Rain: Okay.(Rain wanted to argue but Payu says that in serious tone with proper justification so Rain reluctantly agrees) 
Payu: Good. Now, have breakfast.

(Rain and Payu have breakfast, and in the meantime, as there is still time to leave, Rain reviews his study topics. Payu gets ready and also packs food for Rain, dropping him off at uni.)

Rain worked harder on the subject, and as Payu said, his teacher accepted his assignment later. The teacher would only evaluate it for 50 percent of the marks, but at least Rain got full marks for that portion. He was happy and even shared the news with Payu. After the incident, Payu made sure to look after Rain, not wanting to feel guilty if Rain's studies were disturbed. He couldn't change the impact of Rain's past divorce, but he didn't want it to affect Rain's future.

Days went by, and Rain and Payu's friendship continued to strengthen back at their house.

*************So Finally Things are getting better***********

************Anyhow Comment and Let me know about your opinions my dear Readers**********

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