First Cuddles

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The next morning, unlike all the previous mornings, Payu did not meet his boy, nor did he send any flowers. That day, he wanted to see how his bratty yet sweet-looking cute boy would react to his sudden disappearance. Well, there was another reason why Payu didn't get to meet him the whole day (##I will write it in the next chapter##), but on the other hand, Rain was pissed off. It's like after their first kiss, Payu just disappeared. Though he met him in the evening, Payu was indifferent. He sent him a drink through Sky, but Rain was feeling doubtful. Did he react too much? Was Payu avoiding him? He was more hurt as he couldn't even understand if Payu was too busy meeting Rain was impossible, but he didn't even send flowers. How dare he! He even felt Payu used him; he just kissed him and disappeared. He even got many odd doubts, and all these he had written in his diary. Payu read them again as soon as he noticed a new update at the end of the day. The night ended with a smile on Payu's face and a sulking pout on Rain's, awaiting a new morning.

The day was again a weekend, and as always, Rain was a bit lazy. Of course, who would wake up so early on a holiday? But what pissed Rain off was the horrible sound of a bell. He was so angry; how could Sky be so irritating? He was already mad at Payu for avoiding him, and Sky's act now was very dangerous. Little did he know that on the other side of the door were not Sky but his dear ones. As soon as Rain opened his door, he was awestruck by the presence of the uninvited guests, none other than his dad. Yes, you read it right, it was Rain's dad, and wait, it wasn't just Rain's dad alone. No, don't get it wrong; Rain's dad did not come with his wife, but surely he was accompanied by someone whom Rain was angry with and missed a lot. Well, they don't say without reason that parents know what their kids know and always give them that, but now is the wrong time, and Rain would not be pleased by both of their arrivals. Of course, Rain was angry at Payu, but he couldn't shout, snort, and throw tantrums in front of his father. That was the biggest problem he needed to face right now.

Rain: Dad, good... good morning. Good to see you. How come you are so early?

Dad: Your husband is with me too, Rainy. You didn't tell me what happened. Payu already regrets what he has done and is sorry for that. Dear, you must accept his apology. Now he is sorry for what he has done, and you must not scare him so much for small issues.

Listening to his dad's words, Rain was dumbstruck and shocked. Did his father just... just support Payu for what he has done? That means did his father know that... that... No, this can't possibly happen. Rain's thoughts were running through him, but before he could faint from the overwhelming thoughts, his dad spoke again.

Dad: Rain, you must not be impolite to your husband. Now get ready and pack your things. You will shift back to your house. He was busy with some work and couldn't meet you and pick you up after your exams. That doesn't mean you will sulk and stay here. See how worried he is about your whereabouts.

Rain then looked at Payu's face, smirking at him.

Payu: It's okay, Dad. I was about to convince him back. And I am sorry. I accept I was wrong and make sure to at least communicate with him from now on, very importantly.

Payu turns to Rain.

Payu: Rain, I am sorry, baby boy. Did you just think about me and sleep late? Did you sulk? I am sorry, dear. Did you just wake up? Just wash up and get ready. I will pack up your things, and we will grab our breakfast on our way home, okay, baby boy?

Rain just couldn't process what just happened. He was shocked by the morning start of his day. Suddenly, his bell bursting with a heavy sound, his father bursting in and asking to move back to Payu, and Payu showing up this early and requesting and asking to go home back and being his sweet self again. He could do nothing else except comply with them. But as soon as he brushed his teeth up, he made a reason of not having shower gel to bathe and sent his father to grab it from Sky downstairs. As soon as his father left, he closed the door with a strong force and looked with fire in his eyes towards Payu, who was innocently packing Rain's things as if nothing had happened.

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