Hurried Sex

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Rain was going through the usual routine at college with Sky, unaware that a subtle spark might be igniting, or perhaps had already ignited, between Sky and Praphai. The day seemed ordinary; he and Payu had plans for dinner at Payu's parents' house. However, they both had to decline, citing prior commitments. Rain's college incident had reached the ears of both Payu's and Rain's parents. Although not all details were known, suspicions arose from worried calls of Sky and Saifa's mention of Payu leaving in a hurry that day. Rain's,Payu's parents, Rain, and Payu were eventually confronted.

Payu explained that Rain had gone home when the watchman was on lunch break, and he hadn't seen Rain go inside due to that and because Rain was crying and Upset he did not lift any calls. Synced with Rain's location through phone, Payu located him near house and found him in his room, where everything was eventually settled. The Story Payu told was well received by both the parents. The revelation of this incident caused great concern for both sets of parents. Following that, they refrained from pressuring the couple with forceful invitations, fearing it might negatively impact their lives, as seen in the past

Due to concern, Rain and Payu's parents advised Rain to quit his part-time job at the café to have more time for himself. However, Rain insisted on keeping the job, expressing the desire to earn his pocket money. He assured them he would manage his time efficiently and emphasized that Payu was treating him well and that everything was fine.

Amidst this, classes proceeded smoothly, with Rain and Payu's friends unknowingly boasting about each other's partners in their presence, Unaware of any impending divorce plan. Life continued without significant disruptions. After classes and their café, Rain and after work Payu returned home. The following day was a week off for Rain, and when Payu arrived home, he found Rain busy working in the kitchen.

Payu: Hey Rain.

Rain: Hi P'Payu.

Payu: Rain, I already mentioned that I'll pick up dinner on my way. What are you doing in the kitchen?

Rain: Oh, I'm not making dinner, P'Payu. I was just washing..........(Payu interrupts)

Payu: What? Washing? Today, the maid was supposed to come for that. Didn't he show up?

Rain: No, P'Payu.(Again Payu interrupts Rain words)

Payu: He only works twice a week; how can he be so lazy to leave without finishing his work? I will...(Angrily shouts about maid but Rain interrupts)

Rain: P'Payu, stop. I didn't mean the maid didn't come. I meant, stop imagining. The maid finished his work as usual. I was just washing baking tools and organizing baking ingredients on the racks.

Payu: What? Why?

Rain: Actually, our class is going on a field trip on Sunday, and Sky is organizing the transport and food section, we need to provide some snacks to students along the trip as a part of the assigned work. So, I thought I'd prepare some.

Payu: Why strain yourself? Just grab some from the store.

Rain: It's okay, P'Payu. Tomorrow is Saturday, and I have the day off. I also have some free time, and the trip budget is low, so affording everything is a tedious task. I'm baking desserts, Sky will get drinks, and lunch is complementary from the site, so we've sorted it that way.

Payu: Yes, but...

Rain: Before you ask, all my school work is under control. I've finished my assignments, and currently, only two are left. They are also almost finished, and I have a week more deadline for them. So, no worries. I also prepared bookmark notes of previous doubts and mistakes along with my normal notes, as you insisted. They help me get through topics easily. Thank you for that.

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