Chapter 8

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Ceremony Official: Eventually, this union culminates in a wedding on the designated date. The solemn exchange of vows and rings follows suit.

Priest: (Addressing Payu) Do you, Payu, take Rain to be your lawfully wedded husband?

Payu: I do.

Priest: (Addressing Rain) Do you, Rain, take Payu to be your lawfully wedded husband?

Rain: I do.

Priest: You may now exchange the rings.

(They exchange rings.)

Priest: You may now seal your commitment with a kiss.

(Rain hesitates, and the crowd urges them on.)

Crowd: Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!

(Payu, with no way out, pretends to kiss Rain and instead kisses his own finger, putting it between Rain's cheek and lips. Rain, startled but assumes Payu is trying to make him feel comfortable and is trying to give him time without rushing things, so he lets it pass without questioning. The ceremony and dinner conclude late into the night.)

After bidding an emotional farewell to their parents, Rain and Payu head to their new home, Payu's house. Upon arrival, Payu exits the car without waiting for Rain, leaving Rain puzzled. Assuming Payu must be tired, Rain searches for him but doesn't find him. Eventually, Rain decides to rest, thinking Payu may need some time alone.

The next morning, the maid informs Rain that Payu has already left for work. Rain, too, heads to the university. Welcomed by Sky and bombarded with questions, Rain requests Sky to keep the news of his marriage low-key for now, as he is not ready to disclose it to the university community so soon.

(After 2 months of marriage Rain and Sky are sitting in a university classroom, late to finish some work

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(After 2 months of marriage Rain and Sky are sitting in a university classroom, late to finish some work. Rain starts speaking, looking serious.)

Rain: Ai'Sky, do you think I made a mistake during my wedding?

Sky: Rain, it was a wonderful day, everything seemed perfect.

Rain: I know, but I'm wondering if I did something wrong due to my clumsiness you know.

Sky: What's going on, Rain? Why are you talking like this?

Rain: Sky, it's just that... (Rain wears a gloomy, sad expression)

Sky: What happened? Is it something serious? Is it about P'Payu?

Rain: Promise me first that you won't tell anyone about this, okay?

Sky: (seriously) Rain, just tell me.

Rain: Promise first.

Sky: Fine, I promise not to tell anyone.

Rain: I feel like P'Phayu is angry with me.

Sky: Why do you think that?

Rain: I hardly get to see him, Sky.

Sky: It appears to be a usual rain, and he's engaged in his responsibilities, much like yourself.

Rain: I Know Sky! I am occupied with, uni stuff and P'Payu's with his work but I feel they are keeping us apart. He's always either in the office or at the bar. Even when he's home, he just does his own thing. It's like, dude, can we talk or have a meal together? I'm feeling so neglected, you know?

Sky: Maybe he's just having a rough day at the office, Rain.

Rain: I tried talking to him about it, but it's like hitting a wall, Sky.

(Rain and Payu's convo at home, retold to Sky)

Rain (as Payu's getting ready to go out): How's your day, P'Payu?

Payu: Fine.

Rain: Aren't you gonna ask how I am?(Cheeringly)

Payu: Got something to tell me?

Rain: Not much, but how about dinner together tonight?(Smiling)

Payu: Nah, I'm going out.

Rain: You just got back from the office! Is everything okay at work? You come home late and drunk, and even if you're early, you're out with friends. What's up with that?(Worried)

Payu: Everything's fine. This is my lifestyle, Rain. I'm not changing for you. Deal with it.

Rain (getting annoyed but staying calm): Why are you so irritated, P'Payu? Did I do something wrong? I can fix it. Just be normal like before. I just want things to be like they used to.

Payu: Rain, this is who I am, now and forever.

Rain: Can I at least go out with you today? I'll meet your friends and all.

Payu: You're not an add-on to me. Go wherever. Take this card; spend what you want. Just stay out of my life.

Rain: But I'm just trying to... to work on our relationship.

Payu: Rain, I'm late and not up for a talk. Bye. (He leaves)

Sky: Seriously? That's what he spoke, but based on your story, my observations, and what we've heard about him, he seemed to be decent. It's just kinda heartbreaking, you know?

Rain: I know, Sky. That's why I'm not blaming him. Something's off, and I just want us to make up already. I just wish everything gets back to normal. Sometimes I don't even realize he's home.

Sky: What's up with that rain, you two live together, share a room, and all that jazz... hold on, do you...?

Rain: Honestly, no.

Sky: Huh? What do you mean?

Rain: We don't share a room. On the first day, he went to his own room and locked himself in. I thought he was just tired, but the next day and every day after that, we stayed apart. When I asked about moving to his room, he said it wasn't necessary, that we needed our own space. I thought he was just giving me room to adjust, especially with exams happening at the time. But even after they were over, no matter how much I tried to talk to him and mingle with him, he just ignores me. Sky, I feel so left out, and I think he hates me.

Sky: Don't overthink. Just talk and spend time together. You can sort it.

Rain: That's the plan. He mentioned liking my desserts when we first met. I haven't had a chance to bake lately, due to exams seminars presentations and all that heavy work but now that I am free I thought of making him feel special by baking up some desserts. Maybe he will open up.

Sky: Great idea. Everything will be alright. Now, let's go. It's late.

Rain: I hope so. And hey, shall we grab ice cream before heading home?

Sky: Always! Oh, and don't forget my share of cupcakes.

Rain: How could I? 😊"

("Don't get Confused there are parts before this chapter but they come as flashback so don't get Confused")

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