A Plan of Divorce

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(After hearing all of Payu's words on all incidents and the story behind their marriage Rain bursts up)

Rain: So, the entire mistake is on you.

Payu: Mine? Even after everything I told you?

Rain: Yes, if only you had been honest on our first date or given personal matters the same importance as work. If you had read those texts, answered those calls, your secretary might not have messed things up. If only you had taken the chance and asked me to drop the marriage before jumping to the conclusion that I was saying, "I will marry P'Payu no matter what," and didn't care to understood why I said that. If only you had talked with more patience and convinced your parents not to come to my home for the first time, everything would be fine.

Payu (Guilty): But...

Rain: Don't 'but' me now. (Rain lost all his patience after the date scene from Payu's perspective.) I know it's equally their mistake, but I'm stuck due to your mistake.

Payu: Don't yell at me.

Rain: Oh, I will. If you want, you can too. We don't have to keep up the pretense of feelings anymore. I can't pretend to be happy when I'm sad, and if I laugh now, you might think I'm mad. If I accept it silently, you'll think I'm shameless, which I'm clearly not.

Payu: I didn't mean it that way.

Rain: Anyway, do you have any plan or any thoughts on how to get out of this mess?

Payu: Well, we could just go for a divorce.

Rain: Don't just throw my words back at me. I'm asking for a plan.

Payu: Like, consult a lawyer and stuff.

Rain: Oh really? I thought maybe we'd consult a teacher for divorce.

Payu: I'm sorry for everything. Trust me, can we just talk normally?

Rain: Are you really sorry? I don't even think I can believe it. It's going to take time for me to get back to normal. Until then, bear with it.

Payu: So do you have any Idea to how to deal with this situation

Rain: I have a plan but..........

Payu: So, what's the plan?

Rain: You have mentioned about your parents force for the marriage, and from the conversation I overheard, you can't take a direct approach to divorce, or your parents will get angry and also get disappointed in you. If I do it, they'll think you're being rude to me so that I took a call on divorce and get angry again.

Payu: So...

Rain: I've thought of a plan, but it has three parts. Everything has to be done carefully without any doubt from them.

Payu: What's the plan? I'm all in; I'll give you my full support.

Rain: You better execute this perfectly. Anyway, the plan has three parts.

Payu: Alright, spill it. What's Part 1?

Rain: We gonna act all lovey-dovey, make it seem like we're patching things up. That way, they won't point fingers at you for the divorce. We need to be subtle about it.

Payu: Subtle? Why? What's the deal?

Rain: Hold on, don't interrupt. Let me lay it out. So, Part 1 is all about putting on a show in front of everyone – not just them but also our maid, cook, P'Meen, P'Lily, the driver, the watchman, and whoever's lurking from the office. We gonna make them believe we're a couple in love, craving some newlywed romance. That way, they'll back off, and we'll get some breathing room.

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