Parents got Convinced

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But before they can do that, they get the shock of their lives. Rain suddenly wakes up from sleep, grabs Payu's collar, and starts beating him with a pillow.

Rain: How can you do this to me? You never care to tell me anything when I'm awake. But when I sleep, you shower me with love. What kind of person are you? Who are you to decide what I must do? I'll do what I want, and right now, the last thing I want is to leave you.

Payu, startled, asks: Rain, from when are you...

Rain interrupts: Oh, if you want to ask from when I'm listening, it's been since the day when I stayed up late due to a project. You came and apologized for being jealous at the party. I thought to confront you, but that day I wanted to listen to you and unknowingly fell asleep while you were talking to me. But since then, every day, you do this. Why don't you have the guts to confront me?

Payu interrupts: Rainy, I cannot be the person you want, and what if...

Rain stops him and pecks him on the lips: what if ....... If you hurt me like you're doing now, I just want a normal life with you, P'Payu. I say you're perfect because you are. Even if you're not good at everything, you're good for me. Now, if you want to push me, push me. But I won't let go because of your fear. If I want something, I'll get it and only let it go if I wish, which in this case, I'm not going to do. Trust me when I say we can deal with this. I thought all these days when you were speaking, thinking I was asleep, that you didn't love me and only pitied me. But now, when you show your jealous side and confess that you love me, I'm not letting you go. Do you understand?

Payu then starts: But, Rain, this is not a love marriage; it's arranged. There's no reason for you to love me back.

Rain then tells: Maybe there is no reason, but for now, I love you, and that's the only thing I know, P'Payu. And don't hurt me.

Payu finally tells: Rain, think thoroughly. This is your last chance. If you say yes, I'll never leave you. You have to bear with all my annoying antics.

Rain continues: And what if I tell you yes, yes, yes? All my life, I will tell you yes.

Payu: Then, my poor Rain, you will suffer with my love.

Rain: What?

Payu then hugs Rain, pulls him into a long, deep kiss. After a while, they part, both panting for air.

Payu: See, Rainy, you have to bear with me and all these long kisses and hugs, even though you pant for oxygen.

Rain gets shy: You're so cruel, but what can I do? I already love you.

Payu hugs Rain and asks: What did you say??

Rain hides in Payu's chest, playfully beats him, then after a few minutes of silence, Payu tells: So now that things are settled you can move back to my room if you want to ???

Rain tells: But I can't, P'Payu.

Payu puts on a disappointed face: It's okay, Rain. If you need time...

Rain hurriedly interrupts: No, no, it's not that, P'Payu. I want to move in with you, but...

Payu puts on a poker face: But what, Rain? Don't you want to stay with me?

Rain interrupts: It's not that, P'Payu. Don't jump to conclusions. I would love to be with you, but your parents are home. Until now, we've been staying apart since our marriage. If we suddenly move in, what will they think? I can't face them.

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