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——————————Story POV
"Oh Story don't you look pretty sissy!!" Natalie compliments.
"Really?! You think he'll like it?"
"Oh most definitely!!"
Taking my pink bonnet off I let my mid length box braids fall to my mid back.
"Can you help me put my hair in a ponytail Natty."
"Okayy." she says, putting her lollipop in her mouth.
At the moment we are at our great great auntie, Mabel house. However, we're not supposed to because we can't be left unattended since she gets forgetful. I guess that's normal since she's almost ninety-five.
"Okayy, done." Natty, says stepping back to look at what she did. "Chefs kiss." she says, happily.
At the moment we are getting ready to leave. Putting on our coats, hats, gloves, and earmuffs. We grab our stuff to get ready to leave.
"Are you sure we shouldn't wait until Nina gets back so she can take us?" Natty asks, making sure her hat is on right.
"Isn't she supposed to be the one watching us instead over being over that little boy house?" I question, sassily while crossing my arms.
"Yeah, but isn't it dangerous to leave by ourselves?" she says, second guessing what we're about to do.
"Yeah, I can see it being dangerous, but it's not like we're doing it alone. We're doing the buddy system!" I say, cheerfully.
"But I feel like we should have an adult too."
"Don't worry I got that covered! I'm gonna call my uncle Jason and he's gonna sit on the phone while we go to the places we need to go." I answer, confidently.
"Whose that? Is he my uncle too?" Natty, ask suspiciously.
"He's my daddy's brother, I think he would be your uncle too since we're cousins." I answer, kind of unsure.
"What happens when Nina calls to do her check ins with us?" she asks, putting her boots on.
"We'll just answer the phone, and say we're fine. What she doesn't know won't hurt us." I answer, confidently. "Just make sure you got your phone."
Once we put our gloves and scarf on I call uncle Jason.
"Hello?" he answers, tiredly.
"Hey uncle Jason!!" I greet.
"Hey kid, what do you want I'm trying to sleep."
"Oh perfect! I just need you to stay on the phone while me and my cousin Natalie go somewhere." I say, while Natty gets her step stool to unlock the door.
"Don't forget your bag." I remind once she has the door open.
"Whose Natalie?" he asks, with tiredness still laced in his voice.
"Your other niece."
"Hi, uncle Jason!" Natty yells, closing the door behind us.
"Stop yelling I can hear you."
"He sounds mean." Natty whispers.
"I promise he's nice. He just doesn't like to be waken up from his sleep." I answer, trying to connect to mommy's AirPods.
"Anyway, hey Natalie." he says, grumpily. "I'll stay on the phone with you guys, but you have to be quiet so I can rest."
I hear him moving around on the bed to then be met with silence. I put one AirPod in and give the other one to Natty, so she can also hear if uncle Jason says something.

Nothing, But A Number
RomanceDescription: This is a story about how a nineteen year old blond Australian boy with long hair, named Lucas. Who falls in love at first sight with this beautiful twenty-three year old black girl from America, named Shannon. Who also has a five year...