Chapter twenty-two

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Two weeks later

So far me and Story are doing pretty good on our own. Shannon was right Story is a handful, but other than that it's been fun. I've been making my schedule work with hers and Jeffery was kind enough to let me off of set, early on Friday's. So I can be able to see Story perform at her gymnastics thing each Friday. The guys have been loving it as well, on Friday's after school if one of them can't make it to her gymnastics performance with me the other will, just for extra support.

On Saturday's the guys and me always clear our morning schedule for Story's Tennis matches. The coach texted all of us her scheduled matches and it looks like she's booked for the whole month. Also on Tuesday's and Thursday's me and the guys meet up at my place to sit in on Story's black history class.

I do it personally because I am now in Shannon and Story's lives so why not learn more in depth about their history. The boys do it because of what's going on in the world with the whole black lives matter movement, which is another reason I'm participating in it.

In all honesty I thought I was going to fall asleep during the lecture because that's what I always did when I was in school. See I was that kid in school where I slept through everything and still made top tier grades. But after sitting in on the first lecture it was kinda fun, me and Joshua ask more questions then anyone in the chat but we didn't care. Her teacher thinks it's cute and so do the other parents.

Tucker hasn't been happy with my new demands for making everything work around Story, and in all honesty I don't care. Me and Shannon FaceTime everyday, before I go to bed or until I fall asleep on the phone. I've been texting her more during the day because things are really starting to make an uproar in America with the movement and I know she's going there soon.

She said she really wants to go protest with them, but I'm of course against it. Only because I'm not there if anything was to happen, but then again who am I to say no to her for standing up with her people through this crisis. I would fly over there to be with her and to protest with her, but I don't want to leave Story and I sure as hell not taking her up there either.

Shannon has been on TV a lot either talking about her book, promoting her fashion line, and about the movement. Me and Story has signed over a thousand petitions and me and the guys have also donated money as well to causes supporting the movement.

I met Dante last week when he came to drop by and visit Story. I wasn't upset that he dropped by unexpectedly, Shannon said that would happen because he is also protective of Story. Me and him sat down and talked to get to know each other and turns out he's pretty cool.

Right now it's Saturday morning and I'm in the kitchen drinking a protein shake, while checking my emails with upcoming photo shoots.

"Story! Hurry up before you're late." I yell, with my eyes glued to the phone.

"Okay, I'm ready. Is my smoothie ready?" she asks, walking in with her tennis bag.

Looking up confusion immediately came across my face. "What the hell are you wearing Story?!" I ask, appalled.

"What?" she questions, looking down at herself. "I'm just wearing workout clothes."

The hell you are!

"I bet you are. I don't know if you know this a sports bra and biker spandex is not appropriate for a young lady to be working out in." I say, leaning in on the counter with my hands.

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