Chapter thirty-two

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Shannon's POV

"Bitch, the fuck?!" TT says. "I know damn well you didn't let that little white boy walk away unscathed!"

I just sit back and sip my drink as I hear the girls go back and fourth about my recent events. Right now we're in Greece celebrating Story's birthday at Dante's beach house with their kids.

"Wait does Dante know?" May asks, with a worried look.

"Yes the hell I do." he says, making his grand entrance.

"Here we go with his bullshit." Jessica says, rolling her eyes and taking a sip of her mimosa.

Tonya just chuckles at everyone's antics.

"So what do you think about your sister in law antics?" Linda asks, looking up at him.

"I'm proud to say the least." he says, squatting down to pet the golden retriever that was laying at my feet.

"Really?!" they all said in shock, even Tonya.

"Yeah. Things are a little deeper then how they were with her and Nicolás, so I was expecting this outcome." he says, standing back up.

"Wooo chile." TT says, sipping her drink.

"I can see that." Tonya says, shrugging and sitting more up in her seat.

"But I can't believe this dumb nut gave this dude a fucking choice." Jessica says, throwing a cherry tomato at me.

Shut the fuck up, I couldn't help it.

I look over at Dante to see him giving me a look, causing me to break eye contact with him.

"Where's my sister?" I ask, finally speaking up.

"With the kids right now." he answers, taking the available seat next to me.

"So bitch why you do it? For a chick who holds no cut card you sure held a hell of a one for him." TT asks, not letting it go.

I knew I shouldn't have told them yet. This topic is still a little too sensitive.

"Because... like Dante said it's a little deeper this time." I answer.

"How?!" Jessica asks, not buying it. "Don't tell me you went soft because you final man the fuck up and got laid after five years."

I'm starting to get agitated. See I love my girls, but they not the most sensitive beings and sometimes they don't know how to read the room. Especially TT and Jessica, they asses just don't care and just want the tea.

"Chill out now." Tonya says, speaking up.

"Yeah, whatever." Jessica says, leaning back in her chair.

"It's different because there isn't a child between us like how me and Nicolás. I also feel different about Lucas this time my emotions are a little more intense this time around." I explain, looking at my glass.

See it's easy to talk a big game, but it's hard backing the shit up. I'm not saying I'm a capper and I want to take back what I said because at the end of the day it had to be done. It's just that this time around hit different. Even when me and Nicolás was going back and fourth I knew the love was dead on both ends, love meaning in an intimate way. I felt like I was just fighting him to keep him in Story's life at the end of the day.

This time, my emotions for Lucas isn't dead, deep down I love him. Deep down I want him here with me. Deep down I hope he really comes back to me, but if he doesn't I'll keep it moving and try not to put any more energy into him. Right now I'm missing the feeling of his arms being wrapped around me and much more.

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