Chapter sixteen

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Shannon's POV

So far it's been about two weeks since the whole incident has happened. I turned my book in last week like I was supposed to, now I'm working out traveling details. At the moment I'm sitting and talking with Dante in my home office while Tyler is out running errands with Story.

"I'll kill him!" Dante yells, once I finish explaining the whole situation.

"No, need." I say, in a dull tone. "Lucas already handled it."

"So I see that you guys are pretty serious, huh." he says, leaning back in his seat.

I shrug. "Sumin' like that."

"What you mean "sumin" like that?"

"I don't know. I still just feel like I'm a phase to him and apart of me has excepted that." I say, shrugging while continuing to look through paper work.

"Didn't you just now say that he claimed you and Story?"

"Yeah, but I just think that was in the heat of the moment in all honesty. I kinda need to still talk to him about that."

"I mean Shannon—"

"Let's not start Dante." I say, exhaustedly.

"Shannon, you can't keep holding on to the past. Don't get me wrong I see where your mistrust is from, but still—"

"Dante." I say, in a warning tone.

"No! Shannon as your best friend and brother in-law I can't let you just potentially pass up a good guy for you and Story because of your past."

"And what if he's not a good guy Luca. I mean he might look and play the part excellently, but what if those are not his true intentions—"


"No. Luca." I say, calling him by his middle name so he knows I'm serious. "I just don't have time for the games. I don't have time to fall in love and to just turn around and be played, how Nicolás did me, I just don't have time." I say, making eye contact with him.


"You know..." I say, with a bitter laugh while looking down. "You know, what he said to this girl who he made catch feelings for him, made her love him... he said and I quote. "All we'd shared was sex, nothing more nothing less. He said, I tolerated you for fucking pleasure.""


"And to be honest that wasn't even the most fucked up thing in my opinion."

Shit, I can feel my voice becoming raw with emotions.

"In my opinion the most fucked up thing he yelled at her to do was to fall out of love with him." I say, on the verge of tears. "When I heard those words fall from his mouth it pierced me like a sharp dagger drenched in poison. Those words brought back some old memories that I didn't want to be reminded of Dante. It's like all my wounds opened back up and salt and lemon juice was poured on it. Even though he didn't say it to me it still cut deep, I can only imagine what that girl was feeling."

I wipe a stray tear away as it falls. "Dante, he said the exact same thing, maybe a little nicer, but he said the exact same thing Nicolás said to me. After hearing Lucas say that I couldn't even look him in the eye."

I hate emotions sometimes.

"Dante, he said it, like it was the most easiest thing in the world to do. Well, new flash it's not. Especially if you had intimacy involved with it... it just makes it worst."

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