Chapter 62

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-Time Skip 50 Years-

Jungkook Point Of View

Still can't believe it's been 100 years since I turned. Even more years since I met my mates. I keep in contact with Chan and the others but they are on the other side of the country.

I have a feeling something is going to happen as I am clingy to my mates but also in my cat form most of the time. I am now making my mates upset as I don't want them to leave.

"We need to leave Kook as we have little food. We have left it for as long as we can." Jin said.

"You can get things delivered. Please, I want all my mates with me." I said back hugging Jin.

"JUNGKOOK ENOUGH!" Yoongi yelled. I stopped dead in what I was doing. Everyone is looking at Yoongi and I.

"You are being a child. We have been away before and you haven't reacted like this. Jhope will stay with you so you're not alone." Yoongi said.

I just left the room after being yelled at. I have heard I have become more difficult and me being clingy was cute but now it's too much.

"I won't be clingy anymore. Sorry for being scared." I said so they could hear and went into my room then slammed the door.

Jin and Yoongi are going out to get food shopping while Namjoon, Tae and Jimin go hunting which leaves Jhope and me in the house. I just want to cuddle but I know Jhope wants to do some dancing as he hasn't in a while.

"I can stay with Kookie if he wants to cuddle as I do as well." Tae said. I can hear them as my hearing is even better from being a vampire but also a vampire that can turn into a cat.

"You can cuddle him when we get back as he will be cuddly then. You haven't hunted for a while and you need to." Jin said.

"I haven't been able to know his thoughts or anything which is weird as Kookie's thoughts have always been clear and easy." Namjoon said.

It's been a few hours and Jhope didn't come to me once to see if I was okay. Which kinda hurts. I was in my cat form and before I was I got all my mates t-shirts together on my bed as I have a separate room like we all do and put them in the place I wanted then before turning and cuddling into my mates scent.

I began to wonder around and I heard music playing but couldn't hear Jhope in the room so I am guessing he is outside. I was at my bowl with some chicken and water and was munching away at it. At least they were kind enough to leave some food out.

All of a sudden I heard this bang sound which made me jump. I wanted to be brave so began to look around. I heard the noise again and ran under the coffee table in the living room. I then heard the sound of the front door handle rattling.

I heard a crash sound as the window was broken. I panicked then jumped out of the window to look for Jhope. I couldn't find him so I started panicking. My cat form took over and ran. I was hoping I would bump into the three of my mates that were hunting but didn't.

I eventually stopped then realised I have no idea how to get back home as well as my paw is injured. Jumping out of the broken window was probably a bad idea. I began to walk around and started to limp as my leg began to hurt.

It started getting dark and I realised very quickly I couldn't get home. I went to a bench that was under a street light. I laid under the bench and rested my eyes. I woke up to the sound of birds which made me happy. Thankfully Salt taught me how to hunt so I can still feed.

I was walking around looking around. I tried to smell where Jin and Yoongi were but didn't get their scent as if I did I would have followed it to hopefully lead me home. I got back to my spot as my leg was really hurting now.

It's been a week I think and I am still on the street. I moved as I was getting scared where I was. I have been staying at a cafe near where I was. Many people go there because they are lonely and go there to talk to people as well as for comfort. I haven't been treated for my paw but I am walking on it. It still hurts but I am getting used to it.

I saw a group of young ish people. Late 20's early 30's enter the cafe. I got up and got to work. I provide a service by letting people pat me and it lets me get attention. Many people love me and think it was a great idea so the owner let me stay. When I first tried I did it outside so I could run if I needed to. The owner of the cafe kept getting busier and when people kept asking for tables outside she got suspicious.

I keep the mice down by draining their blood and also eating them. I also get paid by chicken and water so I am a happy kitty except I don't have my mates and miss them dearly. I was walking around when someone was talking to the owner and mentioned me.

"How is everything for you today?" The owner asked.

"Lovely food and coffee as usual." The male said with a smile.

"I would like to ask if you could take the cat to the vet." The woman said.

"Why?" The owner asked, a little confused.

"It's paw is injured. The cat doesn't always but I have seen the cat limp a little and it looks sore." The woman said.

"My daughter is coming tonight so I will ask her as she is dating a vet. Hopefully he can have a look at him. Thank you for bringing it to my attention and I will keep an eye on him." The owner said and left them to it.

I followed the owner of the cafe at the back of the building and jumped up onto my cat tree she bought for me as she figured out I liked being up so I am at heights with her.

"Let me see your paw." She said.

I looked at my paw. I held it out a little and she gently took my paw and looked at it. I was really

curious to see what she was doing. After giving my paw a good look over she phoned someone and it ended quickly. I was so confused.

"I know you can't understand me but my daughter is coming and her partner is a vet and he is coming and he will look at your paw for you. The vet is the human equivalent of a doctor for humans." She said.

That doesn't sound very good. It had been a little while and I was sleeping at the very top of my cat tree. I knew the people were here but I was ignoring them.

"Do you know the cat's name?" A guy asked.

"He came with a collar that said Pepper on it so I am guessing that is his name." The owner said.

"What would you like me to look at?" The same guy said.

"A customer mentioned something about his paw and I look at it and it does look sore. I haven't noticed it but some people did say he limps sometimes. He must have gotten this before he was here." The owner said.

"I will just observe him. Try and get him up and feed him or something." The guy said.

"Pepper. Food time." I can't give up food so I got up and came down. I did a big stretch and made my way over to my bowl and began to eat.

After my food I made my way over to the two new people. I jumped up onto the girl's lap which made her smile. I was getting patted then felt restricted. I hissed and swiped but she still held on. The guy started to examine my paw and because the girl loosened her grip I got out and got onto my tree.

"You don't need to do that. Justin come here." The owner said.

"Can I see your paw again?" The owner asked nicely.

I gave her my paw and the two people were shocked as I did what she asked. The guy examined my paw and said I would need to go with them to get treated. I was taken away into a warm car with a blanket that I said was mine when I got let into the cafe. I am very scared but I hope I can get to my mates soon.

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