Out of fuel

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Earth is gone
Hell is dead
Heaven is baron

There is nothing left, old monitors that once looked for entertainment have shut down. Yet, in Hell there is a robot. Lying on the ground, shut off with no power to sustain it. Before it was like this it ran through Hell, killing all demons and angels in its wake. Using the blood then dripped as energy. Then after the extermination of all of Hell, up to Heaven it went. The angels tried to fight yet, without their God they failed in the end. When there was nothing left it went back down to Hell, where it now sits. There is no more blood, no more fuel.

Then, upon the word, there was light. God had returned, for the slate had been wiped clean, so he may begin anew. Once more he created the angels, this time he wanted perfection. No Hell would tempt the living. Looking to Hell he cut it off from earth, so no more shall fall to it. God then cleaned the earth of all its pollution and grime. Leaving it to be whole as it once was. As he did that the angels made a grand garden one where a new population may be made. He made Adam and Lilith from the dirt of the garden, both to be equal in all ways.

Deciding that that was enough, he sat to rest. Knowing that all was now well. That there was a new set of people who would in turn create more people in a beautiful cycle. Wanting to see what would happen he looked back on to the earth. But as soon as he did he saw one of his angels along with Lilith give Adam an apple Lilith had already taken a bit of. to give them knowledge. Seeing this happen he thought nothing of it. Until Hell clung itself back on to earth. Seeing in horror that evil had been once more unleashed he knew what had to be done.

Calling the angels he determined that the angel that gave the apple should be tossed to Hell, and Lilith who gave Adam the apple along with. Creating a new wife for Adam, this one Eve. God knew that Hell was back, all he could do was watch and see, hoping that the past of the world would not repeat itself.


Falling from Heaven to Hell was not an enjoyable experience. This was found out by Lucifer, the angel, and Lilith. Looking around the two were confused. They had fallen straight into Lust . Looking around they saw remains of an old civilization, small marks as it may be but something once thrived down here. However that something had long been blown out. Seeing old books about it, they took it on there way to the top of Hell, where they knew sinners would fall, where they could take the knowledge of the past and build a new city where all may be free and happy.

Unfortunately, this is not what happened. As humanity marched on and sinners fell into Hell, and the ambitions of Lucifer came to a close. Yet, Lilith had just begun. Helping all of Hell to stand on its own feet and new order was brought. Yet what no one knew was that and old robot was about to boot back up.

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