The Fight

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The waiting room for the elevator in pride was as barren as a desert. Yet even with nothing the clinking of something could be heard through the elevator shaft. The sound was muffled due to the elevator doors being closed as a vain effort to stop what was coming.

As the clinks got louder and louder it suddenly stopped with a clank at the doors. For a second everything stopped, until the sounds of something being ejected could be heard.

After that, a mighty explosion happened knocking the doors off. Walking through the hole was V1, Jackhammer in hand walking through the limbo elevator.

Getting out many demons were peeking through their windows, leaving the streets of pride empty. There was only one demon left on the street staring V1 down. Lucifer.

"Hey," Lucifer said,"Any possibility," Lucifer tried to say before V1 charged at him, "I guess not," Lucifer spat out before spreading his wings and flying at V1.

As soon as Lucifer was in range V1 attempted to hit him with the Jackhammer, just for Lucifer to transform into a snake to dodge it.

"You mind telling me why you're doing this," Lucifer asked while flying around dodging V1's strikes.

V1 said nothing to Lucifer for they knew it would matter.

V1 swiped upwards aiming for the head of Lucifer. To dodge this Lucifer turned into a dog, he could have turned into a snake but Lucifer wanted to keep it fresh.

V1 then used their other hand which had the Sawed-on Shotgun to blast Lucifer. This blast didn't pierce him but did push Lucifer back.

V1 then put away the shotgun and used the whiplash arm to grab Lucifer and pull him in. In their other hand V1 switched to their angelic spear and impaled Lucifer with it.

The spear only impaled the right side of Lucifer missing his organs due to him flapping his wings to move himself just a bit.

After the spear went through Lucifer's body V1 twisted it and pulled back. The spear cached itself on to Lucifer's ribs when V1 pulled back pulling Lucifer back with them.

Flying back Lucifer twisted his body to get the spear out of his ribs. Succeeding in this Lucifer still flew back before stopping himself by using the road.

Pushing off the road Lucifer got a clean hit off on V1. The punch was strong enough to send V1 flying into one of the buildings. When Lucifer hit he heard a crack. With a smile Lucifer knew that the fight was going to end.

Looking at the building Lucifer noticed that the building that V1 was sent into was full of demons who were watching. Several screens echoed from the building as something that Lucifer could not see happened.

Shortly after V1 walked out of the building, covered in blood and not a scratch on their body.

Lucifer then knew that the with him injured and V1 already recovered the battle had gone out of his favor. Using his last option Lucifer opened a portal under V1's feet, dropping them in.

With Lucifer under stress he could only think of one place to send V1. Heaven, hopefully Adam could deal with V1. If not, the Lucifer could only pray to God.

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