Rocketing in

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As the rockets approached, some of the humans saw but most were too busy screwing each other to notice. As the closest rocket got close to the crowd V1 jumped off it flying into the air as the rocket hit the ground. When in exploded, strangely no one was hurt by it. However it did launch several people into the air. Which then were hit by the rockets that were behind V1, a large red explosion that occurred for each person that was hit. The explosion almost eviscerating anyone so unlucky to be put inside of it.

As V1 landed on the sand, the music stoped and everyone turned to look at V1. Before trying to make their escape. With the core eject shotgun V1 killed any humans close. Some successfully ran far away, to this V1 used the alt-fire which popped out the core of the shotgun, then parried it towards those humans. The core then exploded on impact killing a range of people.

Some were braver than others however, they came out to attack V1. V1 swiftly killed them with the angelic spear, while one handing the shotgun.

A few minutes had now passed and most of the beach was red, the only people surviving were those trying to hide amongst the dead bodies littering the beach. However that would not save them for much longer. But as luck would have it something odd came from the depths of the sea.

It was a catfish highly mutated by the flask which fell in the ocean earlier, the flask just so happened to be owned by Verosika and it was filled with beelzejuice. As the monster roused from the sea, V1 had no reason to kill it. Only fresh blood from humans would satiate them.

So, trying to protect their winning ticket, the I.M.P who were watching the carnage on the side lines jumped into action to protect killing spree V1 was on. The only one to not join was Luna who was chatting up Verosika's hellhound, not minding what was happening because Verosika herself was not in danger, Verosika actually hiding shortly after V1 began.

As V1 killed more and more, some people tested to get photos and videos of what was happening, but they were all shut down by a bullet or a spear to the face.

The deed was now finished. The only living things on the beach were the things from hell. The succubi were not happy however. "What the fuck!" Verosika yelled out changing back from her human form she put on into her succubi form because there was no one to see it, "Do you know what you have done!" she continued, "It sounds like your just a sour looser," Blitzø said patronizing Verosika, "a small assassination could be ignored, but this?" she exclaimed sweeping her hand around the red beach, "there is nothing that can cover this up."

"Meh, doesn't matter, we won you lost, get the fuck out of my sight, peace" Blitzø said before jumping into a portal, that Millie and Moxie made along with a Luna saying goodbye to Verosika's hellhound, named Vorrex, before jumping into the hole as well. With one finally shot into a person hiding, V1 followed as the portal closed.

The succubi staring in shock at what just happened.

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