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Arriving at wrath, V1 stepped out of the elevator and immediately into a war torn area. One in which several imps fought back in forth in between no man's land. Yet as V1 looked around, see what the imps are doing they could not figure out why they are fighting? The fights swayed back and forth with no end in sight. Seemingly infinite imps replaced whoever died immediately. Knowing that the sins of the level carry the most blood, V1 set forth to find the sin of wrath.

To do this however, V1 had to walk over several body's of dead imps. The blood of which had been unfortunately been tainted by time. Walking forward ignoring the warning imps who were not worth V1's time. V1 saw an empty food cart returning from the battle field. It must of just dropped off food for the imps. V1 started to follow it in hope that V1 could find the sin of wrath and maybe something better than imps for food.

As dirt gave way to grassy fields, V1 found a farming village. One where they could that it was all imps. V1 realized that unfortunately this ring was entirely composed of imps. Without a slight change in their walk V1 planned to look around the village to get to the sin of wrath.

Looking around V1 noticed that the few imps that they noticed on the way in were the only imps in the village. Asking around and looking through some books, V1 figured that the imps had gone to the "Harvest Moon Festival". It seemed to have a lot of imps there. Enough imps to be worth V1's time. Getting directions V1 headed off.

However Blitzø and the rest would mostly likely be there as well. But the new found knowledge of the rings of hell and their size, who needs the human realm? Besides there are others who would be willing to get V1 into the human realm. The only thing that V1 needs is the book and someone to use it. No need for a specific user.

V1 picked up the pace heading to the festival. As V1 got closer and closer cheers could be heard as V1 rounded a hill he got to see what the cheers were about. It looked like a tug a rope contest. One side was three random imps, and the other had Blitzø Moxie and a random imp. Moxie then lost his grip and fell into the murky water where a shark tried to eat him.

As V1 got closer a plan came to mind, and so he would start.

Ultrakill X Helluva BossOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz