Greed Ring

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As V1 got off the elevator and walked into the greed ring, their vision was immediately clouded by several clouds of smoke. Looking at the reason V1 saw several factories lined back to back each sending smoke in the closed atmosphere of the green ring. As they walked around to get a lay of the land, a few imps jumped out to try and kidnap V1.

These imps were poor, not a penny to their name and every cent of theirs was sent to their boss, who did nothing all day but collect money. This lead them no access to a phone, however the boss put out a strange request. Apparently Mammon had sent out a request to capture a murderous robot that had a description that looked like V1, who ever got it got "A lot of money" .The boss said to bring V1 to him, but each of the imps were going to try to dessert the boss and try to keep the  money all for themselves.

Before they could even fight V1, they started to fight amongst themselves about who would kill V1. V1 on the other hand seeing that they were just imps, left to go look around more. The fighting imps would not release this for a long time.

As V1 looked around a large building caught their attention. Unlike the dreariness of the other factories and building, this large complex was a shimmering gold. It had a staff of hellhounds dedicated to cleaning the building at all times, keeping it shiny always. V1 ignored them and walked in, if the staff were too busy cleaning to see V1 or were just to busy to doing anything about is left to the unknown.

As V1 walked through the elaborate entrance, he entered onto a velvet red carpet, with more glittering gold lying beneath. Another set of staff of hellhounds cleaning the floor at all times, as V1 stepped off the carpet they got into the way of a hellhound cleaning, "Out of my fucking way!" the hellhound screeched at V1 while leaping at them.

With a single round from the sharpshooter revolver through the heart the hellhound died, its final words being, "I couldn't even cash out my paycheck,". As V1 continued walking through the entrance this happened several more times. After a few minutes had passed, V1 finally exited from the entrance and entered the main lobby.

The lobby was filled to the brim of statues of Mammon, not that V1 knows who that is. Each statue carved out of a different precious material, one of gold, another of diamond, one more of platinum, and several others.

As V1 walked through they were recognized by the person coming out of the elevator. The person just so happened to be the demon who sent out the request in the first place, Mammon. As Mammon came running, footsteps of something could be heard behind V1.

It was one of the imps who tried to kidnap V1. Beaten up from the other imps this one came out the winner of the three. "I did it!" The imp yelled at Mammon who was right in front of V1. "Wow" Mammon said, "I guess you want the reward?" Mammon asked with a frown on his face, not happy about doing this. "YES" the imp yelled out visions of him swimming in money came to his mind.

Mammon then began searching his pockets, before pulling out something, "Take it," he said holding his hand out with the reward. It was a wadded up one dollar bill and a few buttons. "But you said a lot of money," the imp said staring at Mammons hand, "This is a lot of money for you isn't it," Mammon said in return. With a sad look the imp grabbed the money and walked back out.

"Security," Mammon said as a demon appeared next to him, "Kill that imp and get my money back," he said as the demon saluted and ran off to kill the imp. "Now," Mammon said looking at V1, "Follow me for a moment will you," he said before turning around heading back for the elevator.

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