The Deal

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As Mammon and V1 headed into the elevator, V1 stayed quiet and looked at Mammon, observing how he moved and how he acted. Mammon side eyed V1, noticing the angelic spear tied to their back he became a bit worried about what V1 could do to him, then pushed it to the back of his head remembering that he was the Great Mammon.

Inside the elevator Mammon took out a special coin from his pocket and put it in the coin slot attached to the elevator. Any other demon would have to pay money to go floor by floor, however Mammon put his coin in and could go any where. And he of course got that coin back. "So your name is V1 right?" Mammon asked V1 trying to look friendly, "Yes" V1 quickly and coldly responded.

Realizing that V1 was not the talking type, Mammon hushed it for the rest of the elevator trip. As the doors opened on to Mammons office he quickly scuttled across the room to his main desk which he took a seat at. As V1 exited the elevator they took notice of a large white shiny statue of Mammon, "Like it?" Mammon asked, "Made completely of angelic steel, all bought from the pride ring of course," Mammon said trying to sound humble about it. Not caring for the statue outside the wasted resources, V1 went right up to Mammons desk, "Have a seat," Mammon said snaking his fingers as a demon appeared pulled out a chair, then handed Mammon the money from the imp. And without another word the demon was gone.

As V1 sat down Mammon began his speech, "You like blood and murder," Mammon said pointing to V1, "I can supply all the murder you want," Mammon said caching V1's interest, "Any and all of the imps, demons and hellhounds can be in your hand," Mammon said playing up his own power, "Why you could take a share of any of my low earning employees!" Mammon said. V1 stayed silent thinking of this, Mammon quickly thought he had a new income stream.

"All I need is you to sign this small contract," Mammon said pulling out a contract from underneath his desk, "Right here," he said pointing at the bottom of the contract and putting a pen in V1's hand. The contract was rather normal size and looked normal, if V1 wasn't a robot they would have missed the small text in between the lines.

The whole contract boiled down to Mammon having full control over V1's body, mind, and time. V1 could hardly do anything and Mammon would have free rights to deconstruct and reconstruct V1's body. V1 would get to time to murder for all the time would be spent working with Mammon, that's when V1 made their decision.

"Well?" Mammon asked, "Isn't it nice?" Mammon said getting slightly annoyed that V1 was not immediately signing it with the pen in his hand, "Sign here," Mammon pointed out again with his had making sure V1 knew where to sign. As soon as Mammons hand reached out however, V1 used the pen in their hand and stuck it through Mammons hand and into the table.

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