Waiting and weapons check

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Finding a good place to sit outside the truck stop V1 wondered what to do now. It's going to take a minute until Blitzø and the rest got here so all V1 could do is wait for them deciding to clean and polish his weapons, V1 went to the truck stop and pulled off some guys shirt then went back out side to sit down and work.

Pulling out his three revolvers, piercer, marksman, and sharpshooter. While cleaning the barrels of the guns, V1 decided to test the ones he had not used out to make sure they still worked.

Knowing that the piercer worked normally, as it was his first pick as a weapon, V1 charged up the alt-fire shooting it at some birds in the sky, a small beam came out of the barrel, hitting the bird, then going through it to hit another.

Taking out the marksman, V1 also knew that the alt-fire worked fine, due to it being how the coins got spit out, so all that needed to be checked was the primary fire of the gun which was the same as the piercer. Shooting it at the ground it worked fine so V1 went to his final pistol.

Pulling out the sharpshooter, V1 needed to tat both functions of the gun. Shooting the primary fire at the ground, it was the same as both the piercer and the marksman. This time aiming at the sky, V1 shot out the alt-fire. As a beam left the gun it hit a bird, then ricocheted of it to another, then another, then another. Soon at V1's feet were several birds that had been hit down by the shot.

Finishing up the pistols, V1 decided to move on to the two shotguns that V1 had, core eject and pump charge. Pulling the core eject shotgun out V1 first checked the primary fire, having it shoot once, launching several pellets into the ground.  Next, trying the the alt-fire he shot a grenade straight up. As it fell V1 paired it, shooting it forward hitting a sign before blowing it up.

Hearing a portal open V1 knew that there was not enough time to go over the other weapons, perhaps another time V1 could finish cleaning the weapons. "Did ya do it?" Millie asked with a smile on her face and an axe in her hand.

"The target is most likely dead" V1 replied. "Most likely?" "You did not tell me what the target looked like, so I killed them all"



Btw, I have a mha x jojo fanfic if you want to read that sort of thing.

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