Problem in Paradise

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Oh shit Oh shit Oh shit, This is not good. Thought Adam pacing back and forth right outside of Sera the seraphim's office. During the extermination someone, or something, had killed about fifty of his girls, the exterminators. While not out exterminating his girls acted as normal angels.

But now several angels are wondering where they went and Sera is wondering the same. Just tell them what I know, they can't do anything to me, I am the best, thought Adam before pressing his hands on the doors and pushing them open to reveal a lone Sera.

"Adam explain now," she demanded to Adam. "Chill out babe," Adam said trying to make it seem like it is not a big deal, "I can not 'chill out' until you tell me why fifty two of your 'exterminators' have gone missing" Sera shot back.

"Well there not missing exactly," Adam had heard the report that he tried to cover up, "So where exactly are they." Thinking quickly, Adam's brain came up with a plan, a plan that will let him get exactly what he wants.

Adam puts on a sad face and then told the news, "Unfortunately, the missing angels are dead," "Dead!?" exclaimed Sera, "Angels can't die!" she said to Adam, "Ask my girls," Adam responded keeping with the sad act.

Not noticing how quick Adam's demeanor changed due to the news, Sera rushed out the door to talk to the exterminators. As Sera left Adam put on a smile knowing his plan worked.

All he needed to do was act distraught at his girls death then he could make his plead to Heaven that all the sinners should be killed, then all that's left to do is take away that pesky little rule that stops them from killing hell born souls. However in the heat of a battle, can anyone blame an exterminator who 'accidentally' kills a few hell born souls.

For the second time that day, Adam's brain worked allowing him to remember that he told his girls to completely cover up the incident, meaning that if Sera were to ask any of them, they would respond like they didn't know.

Quickly opening his wings and taking a technically illegal way to get to the home of the exterminators faster, but who would arrest even stop The Adam. As he thought Adam quickly glided by multiple cherubs policing the area. Some of them tried to come after him, but the moment they saw Adam's signature wings they stopped and returned to their post.

As Adam landed in the camps, he looked to the entrance and saw nobody their meaning he got there before Sera. With a sigh of relief, Adam turned around to see Sera, who got there about ten minutes before he did.

"You should look more into your 'exterminators'," Sera said walking past Adam, "They told me that no one died, but when I told them you told me, one of them broke down and told the truth about how they were hiding it all on their own," Adam was internally confused, but put on a smile like he knew what was happening.

"Got it! I'll slightly punish them, see you at the ext meeting in a week!" Adam said trying to get her out, "Actually," Sera said before stopping, "Due to recent events, the meeting will be moved to tomorrow, see you then" Sers finished before flying away.

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