The plan

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"The fuck you talking about" Blitzø asked V1. "The promise you made about my survival during the extermination" V1 replied. Remembering the promise Blitzø quickly tried to back out. "It's not really for a client," Blitzø said trying to back out, "So sorry I can't let you go on a murder spree,"

V1 was hearing none of this, "Keep your promise or I won't keep mine" Thinking back to the, incident, where V1 first went to grab a rowdy customer and Blitzø somehow got V1 to promise to take care of customers less violently,  Blitzø KNEW this promise had to be maintained.

"We will allow you to massacre as long as my plan somehow gets fucking wrecked, ok?" Blitzø said looking for a compromise, "Ok" V1 responded, and with that Blitzø sighed in relief. The rest of the I.M.P were left confused, not knowing why Blitzø was so worried about V1 keeping their promise.
With a list of contracts Blitzø obtained by putting their prices fifty percent off, the I.M.P went to a beach to murder, for some reason Luna insisted on coming. She could help because she was the only one who could make a human disguise.

"Now remember we can't be seen alright and loose shocks will likely cause a panic, so Luna can help with leading targets to a better spot to off them," Blitzø said laying out his plan, "You got the list Looney," Blitzø said pointing at Luna.

Sniffing the list, Luna saw all the targets on the list in red. She then stepped out into the beach disguising herself as a goth human. "Look at you Loony you look down right awful," Blitzø proclaimed proudly, "Now fetch!"

Going to the first target, Luna got him into a back ally, where he was immediately sniped. This continued eight other times. Until a section of the beach had a quite a few body bags. "That's nine kills in the bag," Blitzø said not realizing what was to happen next, "I'll like to see that whaley snatch orgasm that many.." Blitzø was then interrupted by Verosika starting her marring call, switching all humans around into a much hornier mode.

As Blitzø frustratedly cursed out and Luna went to join the crowd looking for Verosika's hellhound V1 simply looked at Blitzø while Blitzø looked back at them. "Fine" Blitzø relented, "as long as ALL witnesses are dead." V1 dashed away being careful to kill anyone who saw them, and avoided any security cameras as they screw to the top of one of the buildings.

Pulling out the freeze frame rocket launcher, V1 shot several rockets into the air. Before using the alt-fire freezing all of the rockets in place for a short time, one of the rockets being farther in front than the other. Jumping on to that farther rocket, V1 locked themselves onto the rocket.

V1 then switched to the core eject shotgun with little time remaining for the freeze. The freeze then ran out rocketing the rockets and V1 at the small festival Verosika was throwing, paying g no mind to a flask ending up in the ocean next to the beach.

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