Keep yourself safe

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As they jumped through, the imps used magic in them selfs to try to look human. However they only got new clothes on their body, Blitzø got a clown outfit that he was not too happy about but needed to keep up with it for the mission. V1 took out a few people so the I.M.P could get into a tour bus checking out the house of Loopty's partner who needs to die.

"And too your right is the home of the famous inventor Lyle Lipton" the tour guide said pointing to the mansion that Lyle lived in while Moxie checked it out with some cheep binoculars he got. "Let's do it gang!" Blitzø said jumping off of the tour bus along with Moxie and Mille in disguises, and V1 simply stepping off the bus with no disguise, but no one noticed due to the tour. "This kill this rich guy!" said Millie.

"And here you find three tacky stalkers and a robot about to attempt a murder!" said the tour guide who was not paid to care, "Things like this can happen to rich people all the time." after the tour guide said this people began to take pictures of the event happening in-front of them.

Running up to the window the four saw an odd sight, their mark was about to kill himself. "Oh fantastic he's going to do our job for us!" said Blitzø as V1 ignored him at broke the window to get inside the house. "Who are you?" Lyle asked putting down the knot he tied with his IV bag, "V1" they said before pulling out the marksman revolver to kill him. To this the man did nothing because this was his wish, when suddenly the gun began to shake. Throwing it up V1 saw the gun explode into a bright light, before falling back down.

After the light settled, three Cherubs could be seen. To this V1  took out their spear to attack. The Cherubs then flew up to attack, when Blitzø ran through the window knocking him out, Millie and Moxie in the other hand kicked open the door to shoot at the Cherubs. Lyle was in shock with all of this happening.

V1 jumped up, but the Cherub he was going for flew up farther. To this, V1 sweep his spear around, successfully cutting off one of three legs of one of the Cherubs. "You demonic freak!" the Cherub with one less leg roared. The on who got their leg cut off opened a portal to Heaven to escape.

Seeing the portal to Heaven, the imps jumped back in fear of extermination, but where they saw the fear of death, V1 saw an opportunity.

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