A talk of murder

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"May you give me my information now" V1 asked Blitzø has he layed on the couch. "What information again?" Blitzø asked while lying on the couch reaching for a bag of chips "Information about the large white tower" V1 responded. "Oh yes, the giant doomsday fuck off tower" Blitzø said stuffing chips into his mouth.

"Well the big ass number below the clock is shows how many days until angels come to rock us" Blitzø said with chips coming out his mouth,"It also doubles as a connection to heaven" Blitzø continued stuffing chips.

"What do the angels do to 'rock us'" V1 asked. "They wipe out a bunch of sinners because there is no other way to kill them than with the angelic weapons they hold" Hearing that the angels use angelic weapons, V1 had an idea. One that would have to wait.

"If that's all," Blitzø said while getting up, "There are two imps I need to spy on, just need to grab some equipment" Blitzø stated as he moved into the office to grab things. Then the phone started to ring.

"Hey can you get that and tell whoever is on the other side to fuck off" Blitzø yelled from the office. Putting the phone on speaker you could hear a regal sounding voice coming from the other end of the line. "Hello?" The voice sounded. "Oh god damn it m, it's the pervert owl" Blitzø sighed from the other room, "Don't hang up, I'll get the phone" "Well hello Blitzy" the voice spied happy as Blitzø grabbed it and turned off speaker phone.

Realizing that there was not much else to do, V1 sat down on the couch. Thinking off a way to gather information about this Hell that would not end up having the person V1 was talking to run away, Blitzø came back into the room.

"Ok, we have another hit for today" Blitzø said gathering a gun. "And because the two love birds don't give enough of a fuck about this company" Blitzø said with jealousy hanging in his voice, "It's going to be me and you. Nodding, V1 got up ready for the task.

"Oh Loony!" Blitzø said, "what" Luna replied from down stairs, refusing to come in before she had too. "Can you come up here and make sure that the portal opens up for us after we're done?" Blitzø asked blinking his eyes strangely. "Ugh, fine" Luna said hesitantly.

As Luna opened the portal, Blitzø gave a quick brief on the target. "Who we are about to kill is a famous scientist about to cure cancer" Blitzø said. To this V1 said nothing and pulled out their gun. With tears Blitzø said, "You are the sickest son of a bitch and it is amazing" Wiping his face Blitzø jumped through the newly made portal, V1 following soon after.

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