Weapons Needed

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Walking to the weapons dealer, V1 knew that the angelic weapons were mandatory for blood gathering in this new Hell. If V1's enemy's could endlessly regenerate, without giving extra blood. How would V1 find fresh blood in a sea of floor blood?

Coming upon a warehouse, V1 knocked on the door. "Zestial said to come here for angelic weapons" B1 said in a steady robotic voice. A door in front of V1 slid up, letting V1 enter into a the house. Walking in there was a velvet carpet on the floor.

Looking around there was a large stair case which lead to an upper floor, that wrapped around the room from above. Suddenly a light came on from the top. Below the light was what seemed to be a ballerina dancer with a black and white aesthetic, and two long white horns.

"You have two minutes to tell me who you are, why you are here, and why should I care" Carmilla Carmine said from atop the second floor

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"You have two minutes to tell me who you are, why you are here, and why should I care" Carmilla Carmine said from atop the second floor. "I am V1 and I have come for angelic weapons" V1 simply stated. "You have not answered why I should care, ninety seconds"  Carmilla said while walking around.

V1 said nothing, knowing that she had no reason to care about V1 so he said, "What do you wish for?" "The protection of my family, which I already have, thirty seconds" Carmilla responded.

To this V1 knew there was nothing to say, and so left with time still on the clock. To this Carmilla said nothing, she shut off the lights and returned to her office.
Wandering around the streets V1 contemplated on how to get their robotic hands on an angelic weapon, Blitzø's business would be enough, but enough was not good enough. Sinners and demons needed to die. Hearing something V1 looked to the large white clock tower. A loud clicking noice sounded around Hell as the tower ticked down from "005" to "004".

Having no idea what it meant as Zestial had run off before V1 had the chance to ask, V1 decided to ask Blitzø or one of the other imps when they would return to the I.M.P building. Walking over to it, V1 observed demons and sinners seeming waking up, even though there was no day or night, just the same red sky.

As V1 approached the building, one could see Blitzø trying to break into the building, even though he should have the keys for it. "Do you know about the white clock tower" V1 asked, to the surprise of Blitzø who didn't even realize that V1 was there.

"Thank whatever your here, let's make a quick deal. You open this fucken door, and I tell you about the god damn clock tower" Blitzø said while holding on to the door knob. To this V1 simply grabbed the handle twisting it, and pushing it causing it to open.

"Oh, I knew that" Blitzø said strutting through the door as V1 followed.

Almost to plot!

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