Old Memories

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Flying to grab a drink Adam was the happiest he had been in decades. Lute was closely behind him, following him as he flew around. Unfortunately for Lute people who didn't like Adam couldn't even look at him badly because of his standing, but people could throw her dirty looks without being shamed. This also extended to rumors behind her back.

As Adam quickly flew to grab his favorite drink, he was stoped by one of the few angels that he could not just ignore like usual l, "I have heard the news from Sera," the angel said, "But I would like to double check with you, are our sisters truly gone?"

"Yes Gabriel, they are gone" Adam said slightly annoyed that he was interrupted to Geri g his drink, but still put on a sad face, "Do you know who has done this great crime?" Gabriel asked Adam knowing full well of the exterminations. He had tried to oppose it, however he was out voted so it was put into effect. "Some demon with a 'V1' on its chest" Adam said trying to sound angry even though that 'V1' had done him a massive favor, "Well, important business to get to, goodbye!" Adam said before flying away with a silent Lute behind him.

"Machine!" he muttered before covering his mouth, wondering where that came from. Headaches started to assault his head, so he quickly flew back to his house. Rushing in he played down on the couch not even being able to get to his bed. Memory's of a last long forgotten played out in his head, his halo and wings flickering from blue to red because of it.

Then, a holy light enveloped Gabriel. And like nothing had happened Gabriel got up forgetting what he was angry at. Yet still a hate for V1 burned on inside of him. So Gabriel went to the library, trying to remember what he was thinking of.
Gabriel tried to get to the library, but as he went on he soon realized that what he wanted to look up was slowly fading from his memory, he couldn't even remember what he and Adam were talking about!

So in a last ditch effort, he took out a notebook and attempted to write "Machine look up at library!" but as soon as the Gabriel put down the word 'Machine' he had forgotten what he was writing about in the first place.

Gabriel confusingly looked at the notebook he had just brought out with the word 'Machine' quickly scribbled onto it. As Gabriel looked at it further he realized it was his hand writing. He elected to look into it latter because he was already on his way to the library.

For what purpose Gabriel couldn't remember, but he always found it good fun to look at the past of Hell.

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