Talking to a spider

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Can't put a picture in due to a Wattpad error, so the name of the person V1 is talking to is Zestial if you didn't know. Also I found a good shakespearean translator. I will be using that for his talking. tell me if you want me to change it.
"I would like to know why sinners can regenerate" V1 asked the spindly spider man. "Anon yond is a questioneth not many asketh" The spider like (sinner?) demon said in response. "It is one I ask" V1 responded. "Well, dead men can't kicketh the bucket" The spider like man answered.

"Dead men also shouldn't bleed" V1 said trying to get a more complete answer. The spider like man shrugged his shoulders in response. "The answ'r thee wanteth won't cometh f'r free" The spider like man says with a smile splitting his mouth in two.

"What do you want" V1 replied ready for a fight if necessary. "Thou art an int'resting thing" The spider started, "Give my information about you and I will give you what you seek" "Deal" V1 said. The spider reached out its hand, just to have V1 not do the same as he waited on his information.

"M're int'resting than i bethought" the spider man  said while retracting his hand. "Mine own nameth is Zestial" Zestial said, "and yours?" "V1" said V1. "Now may you tell me the information that I asked?" V1 asserted ready for the info. "As longeth as thee keepeth up thy endeth of the dealeth" Zestial responded happily.

Zestial then described a abridged story of Hell, explaining that when the sinners die, their body's are reconstructed to the punishment must go on, yet each time they die they become less and less human, becoming more like animals.

Some sinners can resist it, however all fall to instincts eventually. He also explained the only way to kill a sinner, angelic weapons. He also told of someone who sells these weapons.
Hearing of a weapons seller, V1 decided to head straight there. "Anon f'r thy endeth of the dealeth" Zestial said ready for his information. "I am a robot made for murder, woke upon 2112 in a Hell much different from this." V1 replied. Zestial in shock said nothing. V1 had no reason to lie, yet the things they said made no sense.

V1 was from the future, and comes from a Hell which has not been heard of, this information must be passed along. Thanketh thee f'r the inf'rmation" Zestial then turned around heading off, "I shall seeth thee anoth'r timeth"

V1 said nothing, starting the walk to the weapons dealer that Zestial had told about. It was one Carmilla Carmine.

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