A deathly race

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Jumping through the portal, V1 and Blitzø saw a large complex in front of them. It was heavily protected by what seemed like scientists. "How did they know that someone was coming?" Blitzø wondered aloud. "Where is the target" V1 questioned.

"Most likely either at the top or the basement" Blitzø said pulling out his gun, "which one do you want?" Blitzø asked V1. Pulling out the core eject shotgun, V1 responded, "Top route" as V1 charged into the front of the building. Shrugging Blitzø stated "fine by me"

Rushing in there were two guards with guns blocking the entrance. V1 used the alt-fire of the shotgun shooting out a grenade which was then shot at the middle of the two guards, which also so happened to be where the door was. The explosion happened as soon as the grenade got to the place it needed to be. The explosion killed knocked out the two guards and left the door blown open.

The first person to peak their head through the hole was shot by Blitzø as he jumped onto V1's shoulders. "This is supposed to be and assassination, not a massacre!" Blitzø roared shooting a few people in front of him. "Noted for next time" V1 said as they rushed forward heading to the stairs hitting anyone in his way with the shotgun at close range while Blitzø hit anybody too far.

Coming upon the stairs Blitzø jumped off of V1's shoulders, "This is where we split, you clear the top levels while I clear the bottom" Blitzø said before riding the rail down the stairs. Nodding, V1 rushed is way up to the top floor quickly blasting anyone in his way, reveling in the blood that was to be enjoyed once more.

Reaching the top floor, there was a large and heavy door blocking V1's way to the penthouse. Nothing that they had could break the door down by force. Seeing the glass windows an alternative plan came to mind.

Jumping out the window, V1 quickly used one dash to move towards penthouse. V1 then grappled the top of the window, and pulled themself up. Flying upwards, V1 positioned itself in front of the penthouse window. Before noticing a bullet hole through the window. Crashing through the window, V1 saw that the person was already dead, she had been shot in the head.

Suddenly, an elevator opened with Blitzø sticking his gun out. Before seeing the body and putting it back in his pocket. "Well good job rookie, you killed the fucker, now let's head back down and head home" Blitzø said smiling. "Regrettably, I did not kill this person" V1 replie. "What?" Blitzø said in confusion, "then who—"

A shot rang out, hitting one of Blitzø's horn. Quickly, he pulled out his gun and shot back, killing a sniper on not to far away building. "Use your damn camera like eye and look at that damn fucker for me, I have a bad feeling" Blitzø said while holing his shot horn.

Looking carefully at the shooter, V1 saw three words on the front of his body FBI. Relaying this information to Blitzø, he responded "SHIT, we got to move it NOW"

Ultrakill X Helluva Bossحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن